small meals

Weight Loss Tips For Burning More Calories

Weight Loss Tips for Burning More Calories

How fast you can lose weight depends on several factors, including your metabolic rate. You’ve probably seen people who eat all day long without getting fat. Some are very skinny despite eating huge amounts of food. There are also people who barely eat anything all day long, but still gain weight. The ones in the first category have a fast metabolism. Those from the second group have a slow metabolism. This complex process affects the way your body uses, stores, and burns energy.

As you age, your metabolism slows down.


Boost metabolism to lose weight

This process is also influenced by lifestyle factors such as your diet, smoking habits, and overall fitness.

Active people have a higher metabolic rate than those with a sedentary lifestyle.

Most dieters complain about having a slow metabolism. This is particularly true for those who skip meals and follow strict diets. The explanation is quite simple.

When you’re starving yourself or skipping meals, your body enters into starvation mode. As a result, your metabolism decreases. This means that you’ll burn fewer calories throughout the day.

The good news is that there are several ways to boost your metabolic rate.

Eat more protein.


Beef a source of protein

This essential nutrient speeds up your metabolism, strengthens your bones, and helps build lean muscle. A protein-rich meal will keep you feeling full longer than one rich in carbs.


Strength Training

Instead of doing cardio for hours, you should start lifting weights. Stick to a regular workout routine. Aim for at least three exercise sessions per week.

Eat Less More Often

Another easy way to burn more calories is to eat smaller, more frequent meals.

This helps control your hunger and prevents a crash in your energy level.

Have three main meals and two snacks. Don’t go for more than three or four hours without food.

Remember – when you don’t eat, your body enters into starvation mode.


Stay Hydrated

Regardless of how busy you are, grab a quick snack between meals. This could be a protein bar, some low fat cottage cheese, yogurt, canned tuna, or nuts. Protein shakes are a great alternative to regular snacks, so you should include them in your diet.

A final important point is the importance of staying well hydrated.

Staying hydrated will keep cells functioning properly so that your metabolism

can work at optimal performance to burn calories to help you lose weight.