
Can Exercise Alone Banish Belly Fat?

When you start gaining weight, your belly is usually the first place to get affected. When you’re losing weight, it’s one of the most stubborn spots and seems to hold on forever. The dream of getting a flat stomach free of excess fat seems impossible to many people. When trying to get rid of belly fat, many people by a gym membership and start working out by doing plenty of stomach-focused exercises.

What causes belly fat?

When you gain weight, the excess fat will store in your belly more easily if you have a lot of stress in your life. A lot of people gain weight in the first place due to stress-eating, and the overproduction of cortisol in the body encourages the fat to be stored around the belly rather than being evenly spread out around the whole body. This isn’t to say that stress is the only reason for the presence of belly fat – in many cases it is because of overeating, a lack of exercise or health issues such as hypothyroidism which cause rapid weight gain.

Can belly exercises target the fat?

People believe that hundreds of crunches each day will be able to get rid of their belly fat in a matter of weeks, however, this is certainly not the case. You cannot do targeted exercises and expect the fat to drop off that particular part of your body. This is why people become discouraged when they have been doing stomach exercises for weeks but haven’t noticed a significant difference in their belly size. As you exercise, you will be toning certain parts of your body, but the muscles will become toned underneath the layer of fat. Only once this fat has been shed will you see the results of your intense stomach workouts!

Will exercise alone get rid of belly fat?

It’s very rare for exercise alone to get rid of any type of excess fat. Your diet plays a massive part in how much weight you gain or lose, so you should be first thinking about changing your habits in the kitchen before trying to create a new regime in the gym. Cut down on carbohydrates and fill your plate with vegetables. Drink plenty of water and aim to get your five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.

Losing Weight After Age 50

Losing Weight After 50

As you get older, you may notice that it is increasingly difficult to lose weight. This is especially true after you pass the milestone 50th birthday. Don’t fret though, as there are many tips you can use to help you to effectively lose weight after you turn 50.

Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight After 50?

You may be wondering why turning 50 is so hard on your body. And honestly, a lot of it has to do with your lifestyle slowing down. Chances are you are no longer as active as you were before, spending more time sedentary than in your previous decades. And according to Healthline, 50 is also when you experience metabolic changes that also contribute to having less energy and weight gain.

Your social life is also probably slowing down at this time as well. If you have kids, they no longer need the constant chasing they needed when they were young, and your friends are probably no longer inviting you for jogs in the park. You are also more comfortable and established at your job, no longer working a side hustle to make ends meet. All of this adds up to a life that is generally much less active overall.

How Do You Remedy This?

Although you are probably receiving less invitations to do active things with friends, this doesn’t mean that you can’t invite them to do something active with you! Next time you find yourself with a free afternoon, invite a friend for a walk around the park. This way you will be doing something active that is good for your body while also being social.

And if you haven’t already, it’s probably time to switch out your diet for something a little bit healthier. Back in the day, it was easy to work off any excess calories you may have consumed. But now it takes more exercise than ever to burn off extra calories, so it’s better to just stick to a healthy diet. If your life is especially sedentary, it may be time to cut back on your portion sizes as well.

Shift From Cardio To Strength Training

Besides just eating right and trying to stay active, as you grow older it’s also critical that you swap your exercises from cardio based to more strength training. This is because your muscles and bones are more likely to be injured now than ever before, and with proper strength training you can prepare your body properly for exercise and mitigate injuries.

This doesn’t mean you have to stop all cardio however, and if you are an avid athlete like a runner or biker—keep on doing what you are doing! But be aware that you need to schedule ample time for strength training in order to retain your muscle strength, as this decreases after 50 even with a cardio routine.

In one article on Healthline, it is mentioned that strength training also helps to boost your metabolism, which will help you to have more energy. And when you have more energy for your workout, this will keep you on track for your weight loss goals. Just make sure you develop a regular workout routine and stick to it.

Losing weight after 50 can be a challenge. This is because once you hit the milestone birthday, your metabolism starts to slow and your life becomes more sedentary. Combat this by keeping yourself social, eating a healthy diet, and active, while shifting your focus towards strength training. This way you will be able to work out in a way that is beneficial for your body and lose weight as you enter a new phase of your life.

Building A Weight Loss Framework

Building a Framework: A simple guide to using structured diets to build a solid weight loss plan

Trying to lose weight is tough, but it’s even tougher when you’re just taking your first steps towards becoming healthier and losing that weight. Deciding to lose weight can be as simple as one day waking up and realizing you want to do better for yourself, not everyone starts out by doing a ton of research on how to develop the best personal weight loss plan for themselves right out of the gate. In fact a lot of developing a weight loss plan comes from trial and error to find out what works best, which is why a structured diet can go such a long way in helping you start to make the changes you want to see in your diet.

What is a Structured Diet?

“Structured Diet” is a sort of catch-all phrase for any kind of diet that someone else has already put together that outlines nutrition, meals, and occasionally fitness and exercise as well. It’s usually in a weekly or monthly format and is either subscription based, costs a flat fee, or in some cases is distributed freely. In short, it’s a diet that someone already found works and is sharing with other people. You can find a lot of structured diets online or on TV, popular structured diets include South Beach, Atkins, and even “monthly services” like Jenny Craig. Many diets are also easy to find online and can be found on forums or personal blogs, you can find plenty of information with just a simple search.

How does a Structured Diet help me start a personal weight loss plan?

When we talk about using a structured diet to build up your own personal weight loss plan we’re generally talking about building up a solid framework for you to branch off from. Like any house needs a frame to build walls, doors, windows, and a roof your personal weight loss plan will need a strong foundation of information to build up from. Structured diets, depending on which you look at, will give you all kinds of information about why certain aspects of nutrition are “good” or “bad” and how eating a certain way can help your body and help you to lose weight. Day one dieters usually don’t have that strong foundation of nutritional and fitness info to build from and can make mistakes that at best aren’t help them lose weight and, at worst, can even hinder or set back progress they may be making or have already made!

How do I choose a Structured Diet that’s right for me?

Well, just like any other dieting decision you will need to do some research before you get started. First of all, you should work to identify exactly what your weight loss goals are as well as the kind of nutrition and eating habits you’re comfortable with. From there the choice is as simple as picking a structured diet that aligns with those values and that you’re interested in starting. A good rule of thumb is to start with a diet that’s willing to go the extra mile to help you prepare and understand the nutrition that’s going to be affecting your weight and your life. Any diet that’s unwilling or unable to do that generally isn’t going to be worth the time you spend on it, so try to stay away from diets that are simply meal plans.

Another thing to watch out for is dangerous and unhealthy fad diets that promise results without much explanation of why or how it works. This usually comes in the form of a “miracle pill” or one size fits all kind of exercise tool that guarantees unrealistic results. Diets like these try to disguise themselves as legitimate, but are usually just scams. If a diet can’t answer your questions about how it works or why you’re doing what you’re doing, then simply move along until you can find something that will.

Here are some examples of “name brand” diets and their basic ideals:

Atkins – The Atkins diet is a high protein, low carb diet that focuses on quick weight loss. The low carb aspect works well with an already diabetic diet, making it popular with people that have diabetes.

Weight Watchers – The Weight Watchers diet is a simple diet that works on a sort of point system that assigns values to foods and meals based on their nutritional value, encouraging users to eat within a certain value daily so long as their foods add up.

South Beach – South Beach is another low carb high protein diet that also emphasizes high fiber foods and helps by classifying “good” and “bad” carbs and fats.

What kinds of things should my Structured Diet be teaching me?

Since the big reason you’re going with a structured diet instead of just going in feet first is developing the base of information and understanding you need to make healthy decisions, it’s important to get some basics down right away. Here’s an idea of the kinds of things that you should be learning from your structured diet:

  1. Nutrition info.

This is probably one of the most important parts of learning how to lose weight. A proper diet teaches and helps you to understand the reasoning behind why some foods are good and others are bad for your health and for weight loss in general. I’m sure you’ve heard things like “a glass of wine with dinner can improve your health!” but it’s understanding this nutritional info that will tell you why. One of the single most important things a structured diet can teach you is how to understand the nutrition of foods and ingredients.

  1. Nutritional balance.

It’s not important to understand how foods affect your body and your health, it’s important to understand how to balance those aspects against each other. You should be trying to learn how to balance a meal with its carbs, calories, fats, and other nutrition “stats” so you can work on your own meal plan instead of relying on one that has been put together for you.

  1. Foods and fitness.

Last but not least you should understand how diet and exercise go hand in hand with each other when it comes to weight loss. Understanding calories and fats is important, but knowing how to balance your food intake with exercise to burn off calories and pounds is just as important, too.

What do I do with all of this information?

This is where you get to start branching out from your structured diet and into something that fits your personal needs better. Trying out structured diets is kind of like trying on clothes at a store, you’ll be able to find a bunch of different sizes and styles but they won’t fit perfectly like a tailored piece would. Start with the outline of your structured diet and use the things you’ve learned about nutrition and balancing your meals to work out a rough plan for what kinds of food meet your requirements and goals. It’s all about taking “baby steps” and making minor modifications until you have something that’s working for you.

For some plans you might find that the majority of the structured diet is helping you to reach your goals and that’s fine, stay with it so long as it’s showing definite progress but make sure you’re prepared to make those changes as you reach plateaus that your structured diet just isn’t able to break through. You change as much or as little as you like about your structured diet to make it your own, just make sure that what you’re doing is keeping in mind the eventual goal of a permanent, healthy lifestyle change.

As you make changes eventually you’ll look back at where you started and where you are now and see how far you’ve come and all the differences between then and now. The diet that you started with will likely be a far cry from your new healthy lifestyle, but it’s the things you learned from it that will have shaped your ability to lose and keep that weight off to reach your healthy goals.

Let your Structured Diet become your successful personal weight loss plan!

Nobody ever said it was going to be easy or that you would see quick results right away, in fact just about anyone will tell that it will be a long and difficult road. However, instead of letting that dissuade you from making the right choices and taking the tough first steps, let that be all the more reason for you to go out there and lose that weight. Using a structured diet could be just what you need to build up a strong foundation and a sturdy framework that will eventually become the personal weight loss plan that will help you to reach the weight loss goals that you’ve been dreaming of!

Spot Reducing Fat

Can You “Spot Reduce” Fat from a Particular Area of the Body?

Do you have areas of your body that seem to hold onto fat more than others? Maybe you have excess fat on your thighs or upper arms. Maybe you have a problem with belly fat. Most of us have areas of our body that we’d love to just wave a magic wand over, and magically the fat would disappear. The process of reducing fat in certain areas is called “spot reducing”, and there’s a whole industry that is built around the concept that some products can help reduce fat in the areas we choose. Most of these products target belly fat because it’s what most people want to reduce, but there are some that target other areas of the body. Is there any truth to the claim that fat can be “spot reduced” and do any of these products work?

Fat accumulates in different places in our bodies, and the amount and the order in which the fat accumulates is largely determined by genetics. It can also be influenced by some external factors like stress and lack of sleep, both of which cause cortisol levels to rise. Elevated cortisol levels can cause more belly fat to accumulate, but genetics play a larger role in where fat is deposited. There’s not much you can do about how your body stores fat, but can you influence how it gets rid of it?

Just as you can’t control where fat deposits form in your body, you can’t control what areas lose fat first. There are no exercises that you can do to “spot reduce” fat, even though there are multiple gadgets and programs that claim you can. Exercising a certain body part will help the muscles in that area get stronger, but it won’t cause fat to be reduced in that area. Fat loss and muscle strengthening are two different things. Also, fat does not turn into muscle. You can decrease fat and increase muscle, but you can’t turn one into the other.

There are a couple things you can do to lose fat, but you won’t be able to control where that fat is lost from. The only thing you can do is consistently lose body fat at a healthy rate by lowering your calories enough so that you burn more than you take in. This is called being in a calorie deficit. You will have to continue the process until you lose fat in the areas that you want. It may take a while, but it will happen if you stay in a calorie deficit long enough. The belly is normally the last place most people lose fat. You can help your body let go of belly fat by getting enough rest and keeping your stress levels low, lowering your cortisol levels, but there are no guarantees.

Now that you know the truth about “spot reducing” fat, you are a more informed consumer and will be able to make better decisions regarding your health and fitness. Spend your money, time, and energy on proven methods of fat loss, and stop looking for short cuts. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

How Much Daily Exercise Does It Take To Lose Weight

How Much Exercise Do You Need Every Day To Lose Weight

Weight loss is a goal that requires both a disciplined dietary approach and exercise, among other factors, to achieve and excel.

How much exercise is needed every day to achieve your weight loss goal is a common question and not one that generally has a clear answer.exercisedailytoloseweight

Unfortunately, there is not a magic number of minutes, reps or hours needed to lose weight, rather there are a number of variables that need to be considered in order to figure out the right number.

We’ll examine the different variables that come into play when trying to determine how much exercise is needed to give you a roadmap to determining the exercise timeframe that works best for you.

Variable 1: Calories Consumed and Calorie Quality

The first principle of weight loss is that to lose weight we must achieve a caloric deficit or expend more calories than we are consuming. Thus, in order to know the amount of exercise needed to lose weight, we need to know what our daily caloric intake is, and just as importantly, what the sources are for those calories (for example, vegetables versus potato chips).

To this point, if you operate on a low-calorie diet generally speaking, it would take less exercise to lose weight and you may be fine with a moderate 3-4 day a week training plan. Conversely, if you eat excessive amounts or use tons of supplements, you’ll need to up your exercise plan and really push to get back into the caloric deficit mode.

Variable 2: Exercise Type and Intensity

The second key variable is the type of exercise, and more specifically the intensity. 20 minutes on the elliptical has a far different energy output than 20 minutes of all out sprinting. This variable can also dovetail with our first variable, in that the greater the number of calories consumed, the more energy we may have for high intensity exercise, whereas if we aren’t consuming too many calories, we may not need to exercise for an especially long time or at a high intensity per se.’

In general, exercise modalities that are more aerobic will require a longer time to see any sort of effective impact on weight loss. Jogging, biking, the elliptical or other options would all require a significant amount of time, potentially hours over the course of a week, to see a meaningful impact.

Conversely, anaerobic activities such as sprinting, resistance training or interval training methods will be more effective in a short amount of time, yet their intensity level is much higher and thus they have a certain level of pre-requisite fitness to achieve their full potential and results.

Variable 3: What is the Weight Loss Goal? How much time do we have to achieve it?

The third variable is arguably the most important, what is the weight loss goal? Much like our car ride or travel plans are determined by our destination, our exercise plan and weight loss journey will be dictated by the goal we have set.

If the goal is to lose 5 pounds in two months, that is a fairly modest and achievable goal for most and would not require much additional exercise. If you were a sedentary person prior to your goal you would only need to exercise 20-30 minutes a day for 3-4 days a week to achieve this goal.

Conversely, if you goal is to lose 30 pounds in two months, the equation is radically different, and it would take an extreme amount of exercise, multiple hours every day at high intensity to achieve that same goal.

Putting it All Together: Finding the Right Number

Now that we have examined the variables, we can think about how to more effectively answer the question of how much exercise we need per day to lose weight. If you have a low caloric intake generally speaking, are planning on utilizing low intensity aerobic exercise and have a modest goal than you might be ok with 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.

However, if you love to eat, love to lift weights and also have an ambitious goal for weight loss, you’re going to have to spend hours per day working out to reach those goals.

The ultimate recommendation would be to accurately assess your starting point as compared to your goal, look at how much time you have to reach that goal, and then make a plan accordingly to reach it rather than rely on a standard number or cookie-cutter approach that doesn’t apply to every person.