Fighting Fungus Naturally

Fungal infections affect a great number of folks, and they’re not just unpleasant; they can be stubborn to clear up, as well. The subject of fungal infections generally and yeast infections specifically has gotten a lot of focus lately, and as fungal infections seem less responsive to conventional treatments, herbal solutions are being looked into. Thankfully, there are some very effective herbs and natural treatments for fungal infections. Here are some of them.

Apple Cider Vinegar

While a bit pungent, apple cider vinegar is actually a powerful antifungal. For athlete’s foot, you can soak your feet in a diluted apple cider vinegar solution a few times every day, and/or you can “paint” the area affected with a cotton ball or swab soaked in apple cider vinegar.

For internal infections, apple cider vinegar may be ingested several times a day. It’s strong stuff – you will likely want to dilute it with water and sweeten it with raw honey or stevia sweetener, but avoid sugar sweetening. Sugar is said to worsen yeast infections, since yeast flourish on it.

Sources also indicate that diluted apple cider vinegar can also be used as a douche to cure vaginal yeast infections.

Look for raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, as it has the most active constituents.


Again with a stinky remedy! Garlic may be odorous, but it’s known as a great fungus fighter. Used internally, garlic may help cure yeast and fungal infections in the body. For vaginal yeast infections, a peeled garlic clove may be inserted into the vagina and left all night, and the process done again (with a fresh garlic clove) each night for about one week, or until signs and symptoms diminish.

Rub a cut garlic clove over athlete’s foot a few times each day for topical treatment.


For more than just colds and flu, a German study has shown that Echinacea is a highly effective anti-fungal. Used internally, Echinacea will help clear up yeast infections and prevents their recurrence.


The yellow root from this plant contains berberine, which isn’t only an anti-biotic but an anti-fungal too. A diluted tea produced from the roots may be used as a douche or foot-soak for athlete’s foot, or the diluted tincture could be used similarly. It can also be used internally, but not for more than three weeks or so (after that, it may impact intestinal tract bacteria).

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE)

This somewhat debatable anti-fungal treatment is alleged to be quite powerful. It’s debatable because the active constituents have not been completely determined, nevertheless it’s been shown to be quite effective at treating fungal infections, both topically and internally.

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