Your Way To Health Inside And Out With A Treadmill
Your Way To Health Inside And Out With A Treadmill
Treadmills offers a great alternative to walking outside as well as much more versatile than outdoor walking especially in choosing your terrain and walking attributes. Treadmills are a great investment because they are easy to setup, and use.
There is no special training when using a treadmill that might be necessary when using weight training equipment or other fitness machines. The price of treadmills is going to vary quite a bit. For a low end model of a treadmill the cos…
Treadmills offers a great alternative to walking outside as well as much more versatile than outdoor walking especially in choosing your terrain and walking attributes. Treadmills are a great investment because they are easy to setup, and use. There is no special training when using a treadmill that might be necessary when using weight training equipment or other fitness machines.
The price of treadmills is going to vary quite a bit. For a low end model of a treadmill the cost is going to range from 300 to 2000, for the high end people can easily drop over 5000 dollars for a deluxe model. The price varies usually due to the computer system that is present with in the treadmill. Many treadmills of the feature of recording stats including heart rate, time, calories, fat, and distance. Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the horsepower of the treadmill. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmills may brag about their peak horsepower which could be extremely high this means at ideals conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. There for it is most important to know what the motor of the treadmill can be regularly and consistently. Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter then the alternatives.
Treadmills should be strong and stable. When you are testing out a potential treadmills for purchase make sure you are dresses as if you are actually going to exercise and wearing your running shoes. Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them. Other things to check is if the running path and belt are large enough for you to run on. Another great feature of treadmills is that they are programmable and can be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable. Also a bottle holder and magazine rack are handy conveniences when doing a daily workout.
Take into consideration the amount of space you have to devote to your treadmill this will determine which type of treadmill is bets for you. Remember to measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the treadmill first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.
Easy Weight Loss Tips
Easy Weight Loss Tips.
In the past 30 years the number of people who suffer from being overweight and obesity has grown significantly. The weight loss industry is growing to meet the demand, but the number of people who are overweight only continues to grow.
What’s the problem?
Here’s the bottom line. The real way that people can lose weight and keep it off is not related to a fad diet, eating only cabbage or plugging into some electrical stimulation program that promises to work off the fat and make you a lean, mean calorie burning machine.
Instead, the real way that real people lose weight is to do the work of living a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 of the most important tips you can follow to lose all the weight you want.
1. Sleep
Often overlooked, sleep is important to your overall health and weight loss efforts for a number of reasons. Many people will eat more if they are tired in an effort to stay awake. The behavior is subconscious and most are never aware that they were doing it! Sleep reduces your stress and your cortisol levels, a hormone which can encourage the body to put on more fat. When you are sleep deprived you are also more likely to give in to temptations.
2. Water
A simple 8 glasses of water per day (8 ounces each) will also help your body to flush toxins and burn calories and fat more efficiently. Just a 1 percent dehydration can reduce your performance at tasks that require analytical skills, like math, and you will percieve that you are hungry instead of thirsty. If you feel hungry, the first thing to do is drink 8 -10 ounces of water and wait a few minutes. You just may have been thirsty!
3. Exercise
Excercise is important to any weight loss program because it helps your body to burn calories. However, don’t be gung-ho at first or you’ll be so sore the next day that you’ll drop your exercise routine. If you’ve never done a fitness program work up to walking for 30 minutes everyday and move on from there.
4. Calories
Each calorie might be burned differently in your body, but don’t be fooled into thinking that they don’t count. I don’t care if the calories you eat are all carbs, all fat or all protein (depending upon which camp of nutritional experts you ascribe to) if you eat many more calories than you burn off everyday you’ll gain weight. Try to help track your nutritional intake, set goals and produce reports about your eating habits.
5. Fat vs carbs
There are some who still believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to better health and lower weight. However, all you are doing is increasing the amount of carbs you eat to make up for the calories lost. Carbs will increase your cravings, spike your blood sugar and increase the amount of triglycerides your body produces. Try increasing the amount of GOOD fats you eat, from nuts, seeds and fatty fish or avocados. You’ll feel more full for longer periods and lose your cravings for sugar and sweets.
6. Change Your Environment
Just like smokers must leave an environment that triggers their desire to light up or an alcoholic shouldn’t go into a bar, so you should change your environment and leave behind the places and friends who trigger your desire for high calorie foods or multiple snacking during the day.
7. Reduce Stress
Many people are stress eaters and will eat to reduce their level of stress or when they are celebrating. Learn some techniques to reduce your stress. You’ll also reduce the amount of cortisol your body produces. This hormone secreted by the Adrenal glands on top of the kidneys will produce more body fat.
8. Get up during the day
Even if you spend an hour a day working out, you will continue to be at higher risk for weight gain and heart conditions when you spend your day sitting behind a desk. Put a timer on your computer and get up every 15 minutes to stretch, walk a bit and get the blood moving. It will keep your body burning calories too.
9. Be accountable
Find a friend or relative who is making the same positive lifestyle changes you are and team up. Life is easier when you have someone to call when you dont’ want to walk or that chocolate cake is calling you.
10 Be realistic and consistent
It can be hard to be realistic when everyone you see is model thin and each diet promises you instant results. Just remember that it took more than 2 weeks to put the weight on and it will take more than 2 weeks to take it off. Work consistently at changing your lifestyle choices and recognize that little changes can make big differences in the long run.
CNN Health: 11 Simple Weight Loss Tips
USA Today: Our 25 Best Weight Loss Tips from over the years
Womans Day: Our Best 75 Weight Loss Tips
Cosmopolitan: The 10 Best Weight Loss tips ever
Chris Pirillo: 50 Weight Loss Tips
How To Lose Fat With Cross Training
The goal to lose a greater amount of fat and weight may drive you to look for different exercises and different nutritional programs. Remember that fat loss and weight loss are a combination of both exercise and nutritional intake. However, doing one thing over and over again can get boring and definitely will reduce the amount of fat your body burns for fuel.
This is because your body and muscles will get used to doing the same motions. This repetitiveness will reduce the efficiency of calorie burn as your body becomes accustomed to the way in which it is being used. This repetitive muscle behavior will also reduce the amount of muscle that your body develops over time.
Instead, it is important to change what you are doing over a period of time to keep your muscles confused and burning calories and fat consistently. And one way of doing that is to use cross training. Cross Training is a method of usine two or more sports in order to improve your fitness and performance. But cross training is also important without performance to reduce repetitive injuries to your joints and increase the benefits from the fitness programs.
Reducing your fat requires both cardiovascular work and strength and weight training. You can cross train between kettlebell workouts to get both cardiovascular and weight training or CrossFit to achieve the same thing. Incorporate dumbbells or weight machines once a week and mix up the other cardiovascular training you are doing during the remainder of the week as well.
Walking, at a fast intense pace that increases your heart rate and breathing, is a good way to reduce the workload on your joints and reduce your risk of injury. Biking is non-weight bearing on your hips and knees but will still work the legs and heart. Rowing has the same benefits but may be more stressful on the knees than biking or walking.
One of the problems with consistently doing the same program is mental boredom. Mixing it up during the week, including team sports such as basketball pick up games or volleyball, will improve your mental outlook about your fitness program and therefore your motivation to keep going to achieve your goals.
ACE Fitness: What is cross training and why is it important
Active: The Best Cross-training for Runners
How To Reduce Fat With Cross Fit
Historically, CrossFit Training was started by Greg Class, a high school gymnast, and his wife Lauren Glassman. In 1995 it was brought into recreational and public gyms. In that same year, Santa Cruz police department hired Lauren Glassman to be able to train the troops.
For seven consecutive weeks, the “Gagetown Infantry School” was focused in various tests in fitness categories that include strength, agility, stamina, flexibility, balance, accuracy, speed, power, coordination and respiratory endurance.
In other testing CrossFit training also rendered good results using the above criteria – all of which are necessary in burning fat and reducing overall fat on your body. (1)
CrossFit is principally a strength and conditioning program that many different police, and tactical operations team use to achieve a broad based overall level of fitness that is not specialized, but instead gives the athlete the tools he needs to be in the best overall fitness achievable.
The program itself doesn’t change based on the ability of the athlete. For instance, the type of work done for an elderly individual recovering from cardiac disease or an elite athlete will be the same. The regimen stays the same, the intensity is scaled up or down to accomodate the needs of the individual.
The program using plyometric jumps and nontraditional weight equipment, such as kettlebells and sandbags. Because the program is somewhat explosive, it also increases the risk of injury to the athlete. It is important to work with a personal trainer who is very familiar with the program to learn the moves well before doing it on your own.
CrossFit incorporates both the cardiovascular and the strength training needed to require your body to start burning fat instead of the carbs that are easier to burn. This higher intensity exercise will also burn more calories overall in a shorter period of time.
(1) CrossFit Journal: CrossFit Training for Law Enforcement
ACE Fitness: What is CrossFit Training and is it Appropriate for the Average Person
Quick Weight Loss Tips
3 Quick Weight Loss Tips
You may think that losing weight is impossible; but really it isn’t. However, if you are thinking that it happens right away without absolutely any effort on your part; that is where you are wrong. If you are serious about losing weight and you are willing to stick to a healthy eating plan/diet, as well as changing your mindset, you will find that you will be able to lose your extra pounds quickly.
Both weight loss and diet plans are things that come and go in your life. They may even be your fad of the week and you begin to go after the concept without fully understanding how it can work for you. There are some diet programs that have been around for a while that really do work.
But if you begin to rely on just one special diet program you may fail because it is not appropriate for your personal genetic makeup. There could also be adverse side effects that may occur over a certain amount of time, which could result in some serious health problems.
You will also soon find that weight loss is more of a lifestyle than it is a type of physical act. There are a variety of different reasons why people fail at weight loss programs in general. The majority of these people failed due to not being properly motivated to lose their weight. There are a few tips though that you can do to help you avoid the failures of dieting.
1. Effort
* You will need to be ready to put forth some effort on your part. You need to be able to visualize your overall weight loss goal and push yourself towards the goal line.
2. Focused
* You will also need to be sure that you are staying focused on your overall weight loss goal. If you are willing to stick to a strict exercise routine as well as a dietary plan you will be well on your way. It may be discouraging because it may take some time to see results but it is important that you continue to stay focused. You should share your goal with your friends and families who can lend you support if you are down and help you get back on track.
3. Exercise
* You need to realize that losing weight can be fun and not associate it with work or a chore. If you are trying to lose calories do your exercise in ways that you would normally have fun. Play ball with your kids, play tennis, go jogging, take your kids to the mall and walk around. These are all still great forms of exercise and they will help you burn the calories.
If you are looking at losing weight quick, there will be a lot of effort involved. If you are not willing to put in the effort, that it will take to lose weight, you will fail.