
Kettlebell Training and Nutrition

Kettlebell Training and Nutrition

As with any exercise program you need to watch what foods you put into your mouth to receive the best benefits. Too many people will begin a new exercise routine and then get discouraged because they did not see any results. Especially if the results they desired was to lose weight.

It really is true that you are what you put in your mouth. If you constantly eat a barrage of fatty foods and sweet foods, then this shows up as layers of added fat on your body. By choosing to start an exercise routine you obviously want to improve your body. Fueling your body from the inside will improve how the outside looks!

Yes, it is difficult to change your eating habits. The nice thing is that you don’t have to make all the changes at once. This is often way too difficult for people to handle and the main reason why people revert back to their old eating habits.

Breakfast is known as the fuelling meal of the day. So why not start there? Instead of grabbing a muffin or donut on the way to work or school why not make time for breakfast. Good examples of a healthy breakfast include a poached egg on toast with yogurt or a piece of fruit. Or try a bowl of oatmeal mixed with applesauce, flax seed and a little brown sugar or honey to add a touch of sweetness.

Shakes are another great alternative for breakfast or lunch and to use as a snack. You can make your own shake or smoothie by using milk, fruit such as a banana or strawberries and a couple of ice cubes to thicken it up.

Adding more protein to your diet can help improve your muscle mass and can actually help speed up weight loss. Many people do not eat enough protein with each meal and this one small addition can bring huge changes about in a small amount of time.

Using protein shakes can help you add more nutrition to your diet and can easily be added to your breakfast shake. Protein will boost your energy levels and give you more stamina to get through your Kettlebell workout.

Other easy changes you can make to your eating habits include adding more fruit and fresh vegetables. Aim for one serving of each every day to start with. You may find that you actually enjoy eating them and automatically start eating more. Many manufacturers now make pre-packaged vegetables that are ready to go. This includes packages of pre-washed lettuce and spinach all ready to serve with tomatoes, cucumber and a tasty low fat salad dressing.

If you really want to see and feel the best results from your Kettlebell training then think about the foods that you are currently eating. Try to add a few fresh fruits and vegetables in each day as this will help boost your weight loss efforts. Who doesn’t want to feel and look as good as possible?


Kettlebell Workouts- How To Buy The Right Size Kettlebell

If you are starting a new workout routine that includes kettlebells, or just modifying an old one, you need to be sure you are getting the right size of kettlebell for your workouts.

Kettlebells look small but they sure do pack a punch. Most Kettlebells are made of metal and some are now coated with plastic. Understanding what size Kettlebell to purchase is your first step towards strengthening and toning your body.

If your goal is to lose weight or to just become more active then beginning a Kettlebell training program is a fantastic start!

If you look back over the history of the Kettlebell you will see that Russian soldiers used them to condition and strengthen their bodies. They typically used heavy weights right from the beginning.

If you are not accustomed to being active and doing workouts with weight equipment then starting out with lighter weights is recommended.

If you have never done any form of resistance training then buy Kettlebells that are less than 10lbs.

Using a lighter weight will allow you to perfect your techniques for each move and this is very important. If you do not use the correct form then you won’t receive as many benefits from your workout and increase your risk of injury to ligaments and tendons.

If you regularly workout then you can begin your Kettlebell training program with a heavier weight.

Starting Kettlebell weight for anyone that works out regularly:

Women:  18 pounds

Men:        35 pounds

When you find that you are not tired after your workout then it is time to increase the weight of your Kettlebell. A good goal is for woman to end up using 35lb Kettlebells and men 44lb. Kettlebells are available in many different weights with some going up to the 80 pound + range.

A Kettlebell workout really delivers a huge punch for your effort. This is a great workout to do if you are rushed for time. For the average person a 20 minute workout can burn as many as 250 calories or more.

Working out using Kettlebells really encourages your body to produce more lean muscle mass. This is turn helps you to burn more calories faster which is why it is a great method for anyone wanting to lose weight.

Your entire core muscles will become stronger and this helps strengthen your back muscles. If you currently suffer with back pain you should notice a huge difference in a relatively short amount of time; however, use caution to not exacerbate your back problem when first starting out.

When first starting out with your new Kettlebells concentrate on learning the basic movements and exercises first. This also helps you avoid injuring yourself by over using your muscles too quickly. Once you are comfortable with the basic Kettlebell swings and moves you can progress up to the more advanced exercises.

When buying your Kettlebells you may wish to look for a set of Kettlebells of varying weights. This can often save you money and some sets of Kettlebells do come with instructions and examples of exercises that you can start with.

When starting a kettlebell workout routine for losing weight , gaining muscle or just achieving better fitness be sure to make proper nutrition a part of your optimal health plan.