
Blogging And Journaling To Keep Your Weight Loss On Track

Blogging and journaling to keep your weight loss on track.

Losing weight is a long-term process that can seem never-ending. By journaling your weight loss experience, you can help break up the monotony of waiting for each pound to drop off. Keeping a good journal can also enhance your weight-loss program and make you more likely to succeed. Here are some tips to help you journal the right way.

To start your journaling process, you first need a journal. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. In fact, you can find an inexpensive journal at any department store. All that you really need is an empty book full of lined paper just waiting to be written on. After choosing your journal, keep it with you at all times, and soon it will become more than an empty book; it will also be your weight loss friend.

To begin, you can use your journal to track your workout program. Start by writing down your beginning statistics: weight, measurements, and your short-term exercise goals. Keep a daily summary of your physical activity. Day by day, try to increase your exercise level and keep a written record of it.

Use a page each week for your personal goals. Whether it’s a weight loss goal, an exercise goal or both – keep track of those small victories and each time you meet one, give yourself a small reward. Rewards can be small, but they are a reminder that you are working toward a bigger goal: a healthier, physically fit you!

Keep a menu page to journal your food intake throughout the day. You can make a list of what you plan to eat and then write down what you actually did eat. By keeping track of your daily food intake, you will be able to see what you are consuming and notice the little things you may forget that can slow down your weight loss.

An important part of weight loss is keeping yourself motivated and not letting yourself get down when you have a bad day. Sometimes it helps to record your feelings and any events that have triggered temptation or caused you to backslide. Writing it down can somehow make you feel better and more able to resist the next time temptation shows its ugly face.

While we already mentioned making a note of your starting weight, you can also keep a weight record in your journal. Begin with your starting weight and then decide how often you will weigh yourself. It’s best not to weigh every day, as hormonal fluid retention or too much sodium can cause temporary fluctuations in weight, and this can cause you to feel like you aren’t losing. Weekly or bi-weekly weigh-ins are a good way to see your progress, so resist the temptation to jump on the scale every day.

Finally, your journal is a great place to record recipes and tips you learn throughout your weight loss journey. Check online, in magazines and ask other dieters for their weight loss tips, or even start a recipe exchange. By writing them down, you will always know where to find some quick advice or a new dish to try.

Journaling can be a real motivation when you keep it up and do it right. You can record your weight-loss journey and refer back to it if you find yourself slipping into old eating habits. Get your journal started today, and find other innovative ways to track your progress in writing. When you reach your goals you’ll be amazed at what you have done and have learned, and will have a treasure to share with others who may need some encouragement on their weight-loss journey