
Are Herbs Safe for Kids?

On the subject of giving herbs to our children, many of us are uncertain and anxious. After all, kid’s physiques are smaller than ours, so how can you understand the proper dosage? And aren’t there all sorts of horror stories about children having horrible reactions to herbs? Combined with these worries are doctors and pediatricians who frequently discourage the use of herbs in children.

To begin with, to answer the title question – are herbs safe for kids? The short response is yes. The longer response is it depends upon the herb and the issue the little one is having. Next are some brief guidelines on giving herbs to kids.

Give Less if You’re Unsure
If you are unsure of a dose, give the least possible dosage. You may alter the dosage to suit your child’s bodyweight – the adult dosage is generally for a 150-pound adult, so a 25-pound youngster would get 1/6th the dose. But, if you are not sure, err on the side of a smaller amount. Remember, less is often more with regards to herbal remedies.

Herbal Treatments Aimed at Kids May or May Not Work
There are controversial studies concerning the effectiveness of herbs in a number of children’s remedies. However, remedies and blends marketed specifically for children are generally harmless.
There are herbs that are typically considered harmless for kids, and are still very useful. This is a list of a few of these herbs.

* Chamomile – Peter Rabbit’s mother was correct – chamomile tea does help calm the nerves. As long as your son or daughter doesn’t have a ragweed allergy (the chamomile flower is related to ragweed), this soothing tea can be consumed at regular strength by young kids. You may also brew up some chamomile tea and mix small quantities of it in the little one’s ordinary drinks during the day to help relax nerves and anxiety. Several children enjoy chamomile sweetened with a bit of honey or stevia sweetener.

* Mints – Peppermint and spearmint are safe herbs that are good for kids. For one thing, peppermint and spearmint taste good and can help flavor other teas that may not taste as good. Mint teas may help soothe digestion and they are very safe for children. Once again, honey and stevia make very good sweeteners.

* Lemon Balm – This lemony herb produces a scrumptious drink, hot or iced. It’s very safe, but additionally quite effective – it’s antiviral and will help soothe and calm. It promotes sleep too. It is an herb that can be brewed into a drink and consumed through the day, or it can be prepared hot and enjoyed with honey.

* Fennel – This well regarded solution for colic in babies is considered a safe herb for youngsters. Brewed into a tea, fennel seeds help digestion and soothe the stomach. It has been proven in scientific studies to be as good as commercial gas relief drops. It tastes rather like licorice and produces a pleasant tea.

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A Natural Approach to Allergies and Hay Fever

Allergies can produce great discomfort. In the US alone, approximately 28 million people suffer from hay fever, which doesn’t include all the people who are allergic to pet dander, dust, foods, and bee stings.

Allergies are the consequence of an immune response gone crazy. Things like dust, pollen, dust mites, and so forth are not harmful like pathogens. However, in the allergic person, these substances produce an intense immune system response. From debilitating to a simple annoyance, allergy symptoms aren’t any fun.

Thankfully, there’s a position for natural treatments in allergy management. The following are some natural approaches that might help lessen allergy symptoms. (Note: the natural treatments discussed below are not intended to be used to treat or prevent anaphylaxis, a deadly form of allergic reaction that’s a medical emergency.)

1. Ginkgo
Ginkgo for Memory: Interestingly, Ginkgo consists of a number of elements that inhibit a chemical made by the body during an allergic response: platelet-activating factor, or PAF. When your body produces PAF in response to an allergen, the PAF initiates a chain of events that cause allergic symptoms and inflammation. Suppressing the PAF means that the allergic response doesn’t get to finish its cycle. It’s like breaking the link in a chain.

Ginkgo is normally sold in standardized extract form. Herbalists suggest 60 to 240 milligrams every day, however no greater than that. Ginkgo is low in unwanted side effects but full of effectiveness.

2. Garlic
Garlic includes a compound called quercetin, which can actually be used as a supplement (more on that below). Various other foods have quercetin, too, but garlic has high levels of this compound. Quercetin is reported to slow down inflammatory reactions, such as those found in allergic responses. Onions, as well, have a significant amount of quercetin.

3. Enzymatic Therapy
Enzymes – or just a lack of them – are implicated in the progression of allergies. At their very fundamental level, allergens are proteins, and particular enzymes can break down proteins before they can incite an allergic reaction. Enzymes can be taken in supplement form; however, they may have digestive system side effects. However, numerous allergy sufferers realize that the side effects are greatly reduced when the enzymes are consumed with food.

4. Quercetin
Quercetin supplements are frequently suggested as a treatment for allergies. As noted above, certain foods contain quercetin, too. This is another factor for a nutritious diet, since the foods that have the most quercetin are those foods that are some of the healthiest: garlic, onions, apples, red wine (moderately!), and citrus fruits – for starters.

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Exercise and Health Trends

Exercise and Health Trends

There are certain exercises that always make the top of the list. One of these would of course be walking. It is so easy to start and doesn’t require any special equipment at first. Once you get into walking and decide this is your favorite exercise then investing in a good pair of walking shoes would be a worthwhile investment.

Spinning is an exercise that is becoming more popular each year. It is a great overall exercise that is relatively easy on your joints. Physiotherapists actually recommend that people with a knee injury use a bike on very low resistance to get their knee moving again.

The great thing about spinning is that you can join a class and meet other people. During the class you can increase or decrease your resistance level to match your ability. So you don’t have to worry about falling or lagging behind.

Plus spinning is a wonderful way to burn calories. Depending upon your weight and body size you could burn anywhere from 350 up to 550 calories per hour of spinning class. Remember that after the class your metabolism is still fired up and you will continue to burn additional calories.

Concentrating on Wellness is a fitness trend that is becoming more noticeable. People are becoming more consciousness of their health and are taking steps to become healthier. These types of people may not have a weight or health issue but they understand that their lifestyle affects your body eventually. They accept that they must make changes now in order to lead a healthy life as they mature.

There will always be those trendy exercises that become popular for a while and then phase away. Some of these trends do stay popular for the long term. Check out some current trends such as Kangaroo jump, Aero jump and Belly fit.

Turning traditional exercises into something less stringent and more fun is a new exercise trend. A great example of this is Zumba dance classes. Dancing to the sounds of rhythmic Latin music is motivating and fun. Yet at the same time you are burning tons of calories. There are Zumba classes for seniors, kids and even aqua classes are popping up.

Fitness for kids is another increasing fitness trend. This ties in well with families being concerned about their overall wellness. Schools don’t always offer enough sports and fitness programs. Plus with all the new fangled technology kids are too busy playing with video games and being on the computer. Obesity in children is on the rise and a major concern in North America.

The same applies for seniors. Senior fitness is a growing trend as baby boomers are aging. More gyms and clubs are catering to this new group of fitness goers. Seniors don’t want to lose their zest for life and want to keep mobile and active.

Functional fitness classes are aimed at senior and anyone with a disability. A functional fitness class is aimed at getting a person mobile again. Allowing them to do daily life activities including carrying your groceries home, doing your household chores and being able to play and hold your grandkids.

If you look closely you can see these trends almost follow your life’s pattern. This enforces the thought that exercise and fitness is for life and should be done on a continuous basis.

Workout Routines from Home

Workout Routines from Home

For many people starting a new exercise routine they want to work out from home. This can be due to many reasons. You may not feel comfortable going to a gym yet. You may not have the correct equipment or no clothes to wear. Or you just could have time constraints that keep you at home.

If this is the case for you then there are plenty of exercise choices for you. You can easily pick up an exercise DVD and pop this in at home and then exercise when you can.

When choosing an exercise program think about what you are interested in. Do you want to learn yoga, Zumba dance or even belly dancing? Exercise can and should be fun!

If you follow shows like the Biggest Loser then grab one or two of their DVD’s and follow along. You can even combine this with signing up for an online program where you can record your exercise and keep track of your goals.

You don’t even have to go out and purchase anything to start exercising at home. You can design your own fitness routine by combining some cardio with strength or resistance training.

Here’s an example:

Cardio – 20 minutes
Jumping jacks
Jumping rope in the basement or outside
Walking up and down your basement stairs
Dancing to music
Strength training – 2 times a week for about 20 minutes
Sit ups
Push ups against the wall
Wall squats
Leg raises
Lifting light weights – use soup cans or water bottles

You can mix and match the exercises until your find a routine that works for you and are comfortable with. As the exercises become easy add some more or increase your weights. For cardio try to increase the length of time or your intensity level as it becomes easier.

Working out from home has a couple of benefits with the main benefit being that you don’t have to pay for a gym membership. You also don’t have to worry about buying fancy gym clothes either. On the downside you may find that it is harder to make yourself motivated each day and you might get lonely working out alone.

As you can see there are many workout routines that you can do from home. You definitely have no reason not to exercise. Dig down deep inside you and discover why you want to start exercising and write these reasons down. Post them in a place where you can read them every day and use your reasons as a motivator.

Top Trends for Exercise and Health

Top Trends for Exercise and Health

There are certain exercises that always make the top of the list. One of these would of course be walking. It is so easy to start and doesn’t require any special equipment at first. Once you get into walking and decide this is your favorite exercise then investing in a good pair of walking shoes would be a worthwhile investment.

Spinning is an exercise that is becoming more popular each year. It is a great overall exercise that is relatively easy on your joints. Physiotherapists actually recommend that people with a knee injury use a bike on very low resistance to get their knee moving again.

The great thing about spinning is that you can join a class and meet other people. During the class you can increase or decrease your resistance level to match your ability. So you don’t have to worry about falling or lagging behind.

Plus spinning is a wonderful way to burn calories. Depending upon your weight and body size you could burn anywhere from 350 up to 550 calories per hour of spinning class. Remember that after the class your metabolism is still fired up and you will continue to burn additional calories.

Concentrating on Wellness is a fitness trend that is becoming more noticeable. People are becoming more consciousness of their health and are taking steps to become healthier. These types of people may not have a weight or health issue but they understand that their lifestyle affects your body eventually. They accept that they must make changes now in order to lead a healthy life as they mature.

There will always be those trendy exercises that become popular for a while and then phase away. Some of these trends do stay popular for the long term. Check out some current trends such as Kangaroo jump, Aero jump and Belly fit.

Turning traditional exercises into something less stringent and more fun is a new exercise trend. A great example of this is Zumba dance classes. Dancing to the sounds of rhythmic Latin music is motivating and fun. Yet at the same time you are burning tons of calories. There are Zumba classes for seniors, kids and even aqua classes are popping up.

Fitness for kids is another increasing fitness trend. This ties in well with families being concerned about their overall wellness. Schools don’t always offer enough sports and fitness programs. Plus with all the new fangled technology kids are too busy playing with video games and being on the computer. Obesity in children is on the rise and a major concern in North America.

The same applies for seniors. Senior fitness is a growing trend as baby boomers are aging. More gyms and clubs are catering to this new group of fitness goers. Seniors don’t want to lose their zest for life and want to keep mobile and active.
Functional fitness classes are aimed at senior and anyone with a disability. A functional fitness class is aimed at getting a person mobile again. Allowing them to do daily life activities including carrying your groceries home, doing your household chores and being able to play and hold your grandkids.

If you look closely you can see these trends almost follow your life’s pattern. This enforces the thought that exercise and fitness is for life and should be done on a continuous basis.