
Choose the Ketogenic Diet to Burn Stored Fat

Choose the Ketogenic Diet to Burn Stored Fat

When you follow a ketogenic diet, you end up using fat as your fuel.

This not only lets you get rid of stored fat, but it causes you to lose weight as well.

You’ll feel better physically and mentally when you follow a ketogenic eating plan.

You’ll notice that you have plenty of energy to exercise and you’ll notice that you don’t feel the hunger to eat a lot like you may have before you started the diet.

You’ll also have sharper mental abilities as well as notice that your skin looks better.

You will need to make sure that you’re paying attention to the precise food that you eat so that you enter into ketosis, which is what happens when your body is using fat for energy rather than getting it from the foods that you eat.

In order to reach ketosis, you have to cut out all the carb load you may have been eating.

You’ll also need to stop consuming sugar.

When you follow the diet, you’ll notice that it helps to bring glucose numbers down as well as lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which are factors that contribute to heart disease.

You’ll be able to choose which ketogenic diet that you follow from among four choices:

The High-Protein Ketogenic diet is as simple as it sounds which means that you are going to have more protein in your diet than in other versions of the eating plan.

The Standard or Regular one is the diet that is most often followed and offers a choice between a low or higher range of carbs. In this one, you will also have some protein.

The Cyclical Ketogenic is for a mixture of low carb with high carb and you simply cycle on and off days.

If you choose the Targeted diet that is built around ketogenic eating, then you will eat according to the time that you have your workouts.

Foods on any of the ketogenic eating plans should be unprocessed.

You will be eating primarily all natural foods that contain little protein and carbs but plenty of fats. You will still need to watch your carb intake.

That includes keeping an eye on the amount of fruit that you eat. Though most fruit is low in calories, most of it is high in natural sugar. In order to stay in fat burning mode, you have to keep your carbs limited to within a certain range.

If you go out of that range, then you can leave the fat burning mode. You will have to be sure that you get your liquids in and that includes consuming water.

A ketogenic diet can make you more susceptible to not drinking adequate water.

Stress And Weight Gain

Stress and Weight Gain

You may think of stress as something that is normal and therefore there is no need to worry about it. After all, stress has become a part of our daily lives and everybody experiences it. So, why worry? Although there is some truth in this statement it is important to recognize that chronic stress can wreak havoc with our health, both mentally and physically.

How Stress Affects Your Appetite

One area of our health that is impacted by stress is our weight. Many people who have become overweight claim that their work is making them fat. This is due to a combination of factors which usually culminates in non-mindful eating, both quality and quantity. Being exposed continually to stressful tasks and situations means that they find themselves turning to foods for comfort and distraction. Unfortunately, this habit is only doing them much more harm than good.

Short term, isolated events causing stress can actually suppress appetite. This is why someone who in a hurry to finish a certain task can forget about eating. The stress of having to beat a deadline makes them forget to eat their lunch and only when they are able to finish the task do they realize they are hungry.

Effects of Cortisol

Due to the stress invoked, their hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing hormones that have the ability to suppress the appetite, as part of the natural ‘fight or flight’ response. When the threat passes and adrenalin levels subside, cortisol becomes the most prominent hormone. Part of its job is triggering hunger to replenish the fuel that the brain assumes has been used in dealing with the threat. Normally, once a stressful event is over, the levels of cortisol in the body will also decrease.

When stress is persistent and regular it becomes chronic stress. With chronic stress the mind and body are in constant survival mode. Cortisol levels will therefore remain elevated for a prolonged period resulting in continued bouts of food cravings.

If a person is exposed to chronic stress the adrenal glands may become overworked and even depleted. The brain reacts to the ensuing fatigue symptoms as if it were dealing with a low blood sugar episode and triggers a hunger response, automatically preparing for the worst by storing more calories and fats.

Stress Causes Poor Food Choices

Under this regime of unnatural stress, not only is the judgement of food quantity affected, poor decisions are usually made regarding food type and quality. This happens because under the influence of a ‘fight or flight’ response, the mind seeks easily assimilated simple sugar foods.

These would be ideal if the threat was an actual physical threat requiring intense physical activity. For most of us today, however, the stressor is usually emotional rather than physical. This means the ingested food is stored as fat rather than being expended for energy requirements.

Stress and Comfort Foods

Additionally, these same foods trigger the release of chemicals that provide a pleasure response, temporarily dulling the pain caused by the stress. These are the so-called ‘comfort foods’. Unfortunately, because of the feel-good response to these foods, they are continually sought after and can become addictive.

This explains why people who constantly deal with stress can find themselves eating more foods than they need to and find it so hard to ignore their cravings for comfort foods.

What Is The HMR Diet

The HMR Diet 101

There’s a big difference between the HMR diet and most other diets.

While you are almost always required to eat less when following other diets in order to lose weight, the HMR program actually encourages you to eat as much as you like to stay full. However, your diet isn’t comprised of any foods, but rather special HMR weight-loss foods (as well as vegetables and fruits).

This crucial difference is actually what helps people stay motivated, making it easier for them to lose weight. The reason why you can eat so many HMR foods is because they are really low in calories.

By following most other diets, you would be decreasing the amount of food you eat. This can leave you feeling hungry throughout most of the day. This will make it harder for you to keep going with your diet plan.

There are two main diet plans included in the HMR program – Healthy Solutions and Healthy Shakes.

Healthy Solutions represents a simple and structured diet planed where you aren’t left with many decisions. You’ll get to follow a very basic diet plan and you’ll be required to exercise a bit every week, and you’ll be able to start losing weight in no time.

This diet plan requires you to consume 3 HMR shakes, 2 HMR entrees, and 5 servings of vegetables/fruits every day.

Additionally, you’re required to burn up to 2,000 calories every week.

This plan includes medical supervision in the HMR clinics. Depending on your decision, you can also hire a coach. By following the Healthy Solutions plan, you will be consuming 1,200-1,400 calories a day.

The Healthy Shakes plan is much more flexible.

The goal of this diet plan is to help you reduce the amount of solid meals you eat and focus on drinking HMR shakes instead. This plan requires you to consume 3 HMR shakes, 5 servings of vegetables/fruits, and 1 healthy meal of your choice every day.

The HMR shakes come in two flavors – chocolate and vanilla. This diet plan is self-guided and doesn’t require any medical supervision. However, you will get helpful support materials. By following the Healthy Shakes plan, you will be consuming around 1,400 calories a day.

These two plans were created to help you lose weight efficiently in the comfort of your own home.

However, there is also a third option, which is the Decision-Free program.

This special program includes coaching and medical supervision. In fact, you won’t be able to do it at home. Instead, you’ll be required to spend your time in a HMR clinic during the duration of this diet plan.

The Decision-Free program is the perfect choice for you if you have a significant amount of weight to lose. Additionally, it may be the right choice for you if you’re dealing with high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, or other similar medical problems that would require monitoring during the weight loss process.

During your stay at the clinic, you will be surrounded by a team of professionals who will make sure that you accomplish all your weight loss goals. By following the Decision-Free plan, you will be consuming 500-800 calories a day.

This weight loss program was created by Lawrence Stifler, a behavioral psychologist, in 1983. All of the HMR Programs are divided into two big phases. The first phase revolves around weight loss in a short time period. During this phase, you will start replacing your usual meals and snacks with HMR foods (as well vegetables and fruits). You will also start exercising during this phase.

The second phase revolves around weight management. During this phase, you will get the chance to learn more about how to manage your weight in the long run and how to deal with different eating challenges like dining out.

How to Lose Body Fat

How to Lose Body Fat 

Are you desperate to find out how to lose body fat fast?

Two out of three people in the United States are overweight, and there are millions out there who are looking for the most effective ways to burn calories and shed extra pounds.

Losing body fat may not be easy but the following tips will help you achieve and maintain a healthy body weight:

Tip #1: Combine aerobic exercise and strength training.

Moderate aerobic exercise will help jump start your body to burn fat.

If you are severely overweight and want to know how to lose body fat, keep in mind that it’s best to start with low intensity cardio exercises.

Incorporate strength training into your workout to help tone your body and build your muscles. During the early stages of your workout program avoid stressing your body too much to prevent overtaining.

People who are trying to lose body fat can benefit from the fat-burning effects of moderate aerobic exercise. Experts recommend keeping your heart rate at 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, but gradually increase the duration until you are able to workout for one hour.

Strength training is one of the most effective ways to lose body fat, but you must focus on high repetitions and moderate weights.

It’s important to keep moving if you are trying to lose weight. You can get the best and fastest results by combining aerobics and low-intensity strength training. Weight training exercises should target all the major muscle groups in the body, such as the legs, arms, shoulders, abs and back.

Overweight individuals who want to start losing body fat can start by walking. Walking is a low-impact aerobic exercise that almost anyone can do.

Tip #2: Eat the right foods.

Good nutrition is just as important as exercise when it comes to fat loss.

Your body needs lean meats, chicken, fish, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you want to lose body fat, you have to eat more vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, carrots, kale, broccoli and celery.

Fruits are also important but you should avoid fruit juices with added sugar. Sugar adds calories and will only make it more difficult for you to lose weight.

Avoid fried foods because they are high in fat and calories.

Limit your fat intake but don’t cut out fats altogether. Your body needs some fat for proper metabolism and to absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Cut back on bad fats found in meats, but increase your intake of good fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Cold-water fish, nuts, flax seed, and olives are excellent sources of healthy fats.

Tip #3: Drink plenty of water.

Water does not contain calories but your body needs it to function properly. You need 8 to 12 glasses of water each day. Water helps flush out toxins and waste products from the body and aids the digestive system. Also, drinking water right before a meal makes you feel full, so you won’t eat as much. Whenever you feel thirsty, drink water instead of high-calorie sweetened fruit juice or a soda and it will help you lose body fat faster.

Keep in mind the above three tips as you plan your day to day activities if want want to achieve successful fat loss.


How To Reduce Body Fat

How To Reduce Body Fat

The percentage of adults who are over age 20 and are overweight and obese are over 69% of the population.

That is close to 70% of the poulation that is carrying more weight, and therefore fat, than is normal.

How to reduce your body fat is one of the highest searched questions online because it is such a problem for so many people.

Reducing your body fat is about attacking the problem from two angles – both diet and exercise.

What you eat is as important as how much exercise you get each day.

In fact, you shouldn’t diet!

Dieting implies eating less and deprivation. Instead, it’s important to change your nutritional intake and make lifestyle changes for a lifetime.

Look for nutrient dense foods that are lower in calories and high in fiber. Green leafy vegetables will boost your immune system and keep your metabolism running all day.

Eliminate fried foods and candy and choose to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Water helps to flush out toxins and increase your metabolic rate.

When eating a healthy diet you lose the cravings for sugar and high carb foods that will pack on the fat and pounds in a matter of hours.

Believe it or not, sleeping is very important to reducing your body fat.

One of the triggers to increasing your body fat is the secretion of cortisol. This is a stress hormone that is secreted from the adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys. Cortisol is responsible for the production of belly fat or visceral fat which is metabolically active and will increase your insulin resistance.

When you are stressed or sleepy, you are also more apt to eat more which increases your overall fat deposits on the body.

Exercise is an important aspect to developing lean muscle and reducing your overall body fat. However, you can also train too hard, which has the opposite effect. As you increase the intensity and duration of exercise you can also increase the release of cortisol, which will only increase the amount of fat that your body produces.

Instead, you want to do a PACE program in which you work out as hard as you can for 30 seconds and then recover for 90 seconds and repeat that pattern 8 times. Put 3 minutes of warm up at the begining and 3 minutes cool down at the end and you have a 20 minute workout that will burn calories hours after you stop working out.

Another way to increase the calorie burn and reduce the insulin secretion (which also increases fat production) is to take a 15 minute walk after meals.

This helps to reduce your blood sugar spikes because you are immediately using the sugar from your meals.

Green tea will help to boost your metabolism and is also known for cancer fighting benefits. You can drink the tea several times a day or just pop a few green tea extract pills, which is probably easier in the long run. Most of us don’t have the time to sit down to tea 4 times a day.

Weight training is one of the best ways to burn calories and develop lean muscle mass. Combine that weight training or strength training with fat burning metabolism from low carbohydrate diet and you are well on your way to reducing your body fat.

In summary:

  1. Diet and Exercise
  2. Nutrient dense foods
  3. Drink plenty of water
  4. Get adequate sleep
  5. Reduce Cortisol levels
  6. Stress management
  7. Exercise using the PACE program
  8. Walk after meals
  9. Green tea
  10. Weight training

Keep the above ten points in mind as you plan your day to day activities if you want to achieve successful weight loss or just get more healthy and fit.