Weight Loss

Kettlebell Workouts- How To Buy The Right Size Kettlebell

If you are starting a new workout routine that includes kettlebells, or just modifying an old one, you need to be sure you are getting the right size of kettlebell for your workouts.

Kettlebells look small but they sure do pack a punch. Most Kettlebells are made of metal and some are now coated with plastic. Understanding what size Kettlebell to purchase is your first step towards strengthening and toning your body.

If your goal is to lose weight or to just become more active then beginning a Kettlebell training program is a fantastic start!

If you look back over the history of the Kettlebell you will see that Russian soldiers used them to condition and strengthen their bodies. They typically used heavy weights right from the beginning.

If you are not accustomed to being active and doing workouts with weight equipment then starting out with lighter weights is recommended.

If you have never done any form of resistance training then buy Kettlebells that are less than 10lbs.

Using a lighter weight will allow you to perfect your techniques for each move and this is very important. If you do not use the correct form then you won’t receive as many benefits from your workout and increase your risk of injury to ligaments and tendons.

If you regularly workout then you can begin your Kettlebell training program with a heavier weight.

Starting Kettlebell weight for anyone that works out regularly:

Women:  18 pounds

Men:        35 pounds

When you find that you are not tired after your workout then it is time to increase the weight of your Kettlebell. A good goal is for woman to end up using 35lb Kettlebells and men 44lb. Kettlebells are available in many different weights with some going up to the 80 pound + range.

A Kettlebell workout really delivers a huge punch for your effort. This is a great workout to do if you are rushed for time. For the average person a 20 minute workout can burn as many as 250 calories or more.

Working out using Kettlebells really encourages your body to produce more lean muscle mass. This is turn helps you to burn more calories faster which is why it is a great method for anyone wanting to lose weight.

Your entire core muscles will become stronger and this helps strengthen your back muscles. If you currently suffer with back pain you should notice a huge difference in a relatively short amount of time; however, use caution to not exacerbate your back problem when first starting out.

When first starting out with your new Kettlebells concentrate on learning the basic movements and exercises first. This also helps you avoid injuring yourself by over using your muscles too quickly. Once you are comfortable with the basic Kettlebell swings and moves you can progress up to the more advanced exercises.

When buying your Kettlebells you may wish to look for a set of Kettlebells of varying weights. This can often save you money and some sets of Kettlebells do come with instructions and examples of exercises that you can start with.

When starting a kettlebell workout routine for losing weight , gaining muscle or just achieving better fitness be sure to make proper nutrition a part of your optimal health plan.



Your Best Weight Loss Plan

Setting up the Best Weight Loss Plan for Your Needs

Weight loss is an individual process. As such, a weight loss plan that works for one person may not be very effective for another. The following are some ways to set up a weight loss plan that can help you lose weight and look your best.

The first thing you need to do when setting up your weight loss plan is to set realistic goals. If you only have to lose five pounds, perhaps you can set a short-term goal of losing a pound each week, with the long-term goal of losing five pounds by the end of five weeks. If you want to lose a lot of weight, decide on how much weight you want to lose overall, and then set short-term objectives. It is reasonable and healthy to shed about one to three pounds a week, so you may want to set weekly weight loss objectives in which you strive to lose about 2 pounds a week until you reach your ultimate weight loss goal.  This is a happy medium, and should keep you from getting as overwhelmed as you could be if you had set your weekly weight loss goal too high.

After you decide on how much weight to lose each week, you need to choose a realistic diet plan that you can stick to. Do not choose a plan that focuses only on certain foods, or one that will cause you to always be hungry. If you do this, you are not likely to stick to your diet. A diet that only allows you to eat a limited number of foods will cause boredom.  Also, if the diet is so restrictive that you are always hungry, you may eventually be so ravenous that you eat everything in sight. Instead, choose a diet plan that includes nutritious, low calorie foods that you like and that will allow you to eat small portions at regular intervals throughout the day. A plan such as this is more likely to lead to a successful outcome.

The next thing to consider in your weight loss plan is your exercise routine. This, like your eating plan, should be a very individual thing. While it is great to see what has worked for others, you need to find something that will be both enjoyable and doable for you. Do you enjoy walking outside, working out with a class at the gym, or working out with weights? Maybe you enjoy a video you can pop in at home, but even these vary from one extreme to the other. So while deciding, be sure to pick something that is compatible with your current fitness level, and that you will be able to commit to on a regular basis.

If you find that your weight loss plan is not working out the way you had hoped, you can make modifications. If your stomach is always growling, maybe you have to eat more often or eat a bit more at each meal. If you reach a plateau during which you cannot seem to lose any more weight, maybe you have to eat a bit less or need to eat some different foods to get the weight loss process moving again.

When it comes to exercise, if you find that you never recover from your exercise routine, maybe you only need three days a week instead of six in order to give your body time to heal and build muscle. Or, if you see that you are not making any progress, maybe you are in a place to step it up a bit because you are not challenging yourself enough. Whatever the case, make adjustments when necessary, but also give it some time before making any decisions. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

Losing weight requires patience and determination. The weight did not appear on your body overnight, so it is going to take time for it to disappear. Stick to your diet and keep your goals in sight, and you will be successful in your quest to shed those extra pounds. Losing weight is not an easy process for most people, but with the proper motivation and weight loss plan, you can be successful.

Getting Back Your Weight Loss Motivation

When you are trying to lose weight, you may end up losing the motivation you need to keep going. Because of this it is important that you know what to do in order to get back on the weight loss track before you find yourself completely derailed.

One of the first things you need to do in order to regain your weight loss motivation is to remember the reasons why you wanted to lose weight to begin with. Did you want to fit into your wedding dress? Was there a reunion or someone special that you anticipated seeing? Whatever the reason may be, it is the driving force behind your weight loss and can help you get your motivation back.

Along with this, think of all of the positive aspects of losing weight. If you lose weight, you will be able to perform recreational activities better, such as walking, swimming and running. Being overweight or obese can prevent you from doing these things and in turn, keep you locked in a very boring life.

If you haven’t yet done this, take a picture of yourself so that you can look at it during the weight loss process. When you feel like giving up, you can look at your picture to help remind yourself that this is what you will look like again if you do not get back on track. Do you want to be the same person six months down the road? Or how about in a year or two when you look back at yourself, will you be the same, bigger, or instead, hopefully smaller? People are visual, and this can be a powerful motivator.

Another motivation is to look in the mirror and picture a thinner version of yourself. By thinking of how great you would look if you were slimmer, you will be surprised at how quickly and how strongly you will want to continue with your weight loss regimen. Just don’t use this inward thinner picture of yourself as a reason to cheat a little bit now. Your endurance will pay off in the long run.

If the above don’t work, use others inspirational weight loss stories to help you get started. When you see how good someone else looks after having lost an extreme amount of weight, it will make you want to be in their shoes. You can read the stories of others online or even go to a weight loss support group.

If exercise boredom is a reason for your lack of motivation, switch up your whole weight loss routine. Many people lose their motivation because they are always doing the same exercises. Changing your exercises can make all the difference. For instance, if you are always on the exercise bike, you may want to switch to the treadmill. Or better yet, find some good trails to explore outside, and watch a whole new world open up!

Exercise is not the only thing that can become boring when working on your weight loss goals. Eating the same food day in and day out can begin to weigh down your motivation. If this is the case, find some new and healthful recipes. They are not all that difficult to find, as cookbooks and the internet are both great places to find new and tasty recipes. The added benefit is that many of these recipes are also quite easy to prepare.

Losing weight is not easy, which is why so many people lose the motivation to do it. But now, with the help of these tips, you have all that it takes in order to get your drive back to lose weight and become healthier both now and in the future.
Enlisting Your Mind in the Battle of Weight Loss

When starting your weight loss routine, you do not have to be one of the many people that make the mistake in thinking that losing weight is all physical. It is, in fact, a mental battle as much as it is a physical one. And, believe it or not, your mindset is going to determine whether or not you win or lose the battle against unwanted pounds. Here are some tips about how to improve your mental game in order to lose the weight you desire.

To begin, take the time to sit down and figure out what the best motivation is for you to lose weight. Once you find the right motivation, you can use it to stay focused on reaching your weight loss goals. Motivation can mean different things to different people, so it will be highly individual. Most of the time, though, your motivation it is that ONE THING that triggered you to want to lose weight to begin with.

Do you have a particular weight loss goal in mind? Your goal may be a set amount of pounds by a set date, a dress size that you want to reach or just a general idea of the ideal body weight that you are shooting for. Once you realize exactly what your goals are, you can judge if they are realistic. You want to stay healthy while you lose weight and if you have set unrealistic goals, you will probably make some unhealthy choices while trying to reach them.

If the goals that you have set are unrealistic, you are going to be disappointed when the time comes to have met that goal. This can be devastating for your mindset. Carefully consider the reality of the goals as you set them. On the other hand, if you set goals that are realistic, your success can spur you on to go to the finish.

When you are working on your mental weight loss game, find friends and family that will support and encourage you in your efforts to lose weight. You need to have a reliable person that you can count on to be there if you find yourself tempted or just need someone to talk to when you run into any problems with your diet or fitness routine.

As part of your weight loss journey, it is highly probable that you will have an exercise plan. As you complete your plan each day, set up a reward system that will keep you motivated to keep going. One idea of a reward is a low-fat smoothie with your favorite fruit in it. What is important is that you choose something that you will be willing to work hard for, but will not break your diet and defeat the purpose of the exercise program.

As you get your mind into your weight loss game it is crucial for you to visualize yourself at your lower weight. The reason for this is because it is going to keep you motivated to stay dedicated to the program. If need be, find a form fitting dress or outfit in the size that you want to be and then hang it in your bathroom or kitchen to help you visualize your goal. You may also want to cut out pictures, or even use a picture of yourself at a lower weight. Whatever it takes, just be sure to put your visual motivation in a place that you can see every day.

Once your mindset is at the right level, weight loss is going to be much easier for you. Utilize these tips and start your program today!

Five Costly Mistakes in the Game of Weight Loss

In order to lose weight, there are several factors that have to come together. And, just like with anything in life, there are always ways that you can sabotage yourself and not even know it. This article will expose five common ways that those who are trying to lose weight can sabotage themselves, without even realizing it.

Sabotage number one:

Not eliminating junk food from your pantry. Simple rule of thumb — if you buy it, you will eat it. If there is junk food, candy and sweets hiding in your house, no amount of willpower will be able to overcome this temptation every time. You are bound to eat a few bites here and there, or even just give in and eat the whole package. Throw these items out, or give them to someone else, but get them out of your house one way or another.

Sabotage number two:

Using food as a reward. If you have been letting yourself have an off-limit treat in response to attaining a goal you have set for yourself, then you are setting yourself up for failure later on. Chances are that once you reach your weight goal, you will reward yourself by eating whatever you want for a while, thus undoing all the progress you’ve made in self discipline. If you feel that you must reward yourself with food, perhaps choosing one “cheat” day each week is the best way to go. Other than that, consider those foods that will hinder your weight loss as “off limits”.

Sabotage number three:

Forcing yourself to eat leftovers. While it can be tempting to make yourself eat leftovers in order to avoid waste, if the leftovers are not something you really want or need, you can end up feeling deprived and unsatisfied. This in turn can lead to eating another meal that you don’t need just to feel satisfied. If it sounds good and will not hinder your weight loss, then go ahead and eat it. But if you are only eating  food out of guilt or fear of being wasteful, simply find something else that will not only be more satisfying, but will also be more in line with the goals that you have set for yourself.

Sabotage number four:

Starving yourself. Don’t ever skip meals, even if you WAY overdid it on a previous meal. Your body needs a constant stream of calories to function properly. Skipping a meal can actually lower your metabolism and stunt your progress.

Sabotage number five:

Alcohol consumption. While the occasional glass of wine or beer may not be a diet wrecker, having something each night or engaging in a weekend of drinking will definitely put the brakes on your progress. Alcohol is high in calories and also lowers your metabolic rate. Try curbing this as much as possible in order to get the best weight loss results.

Eating right and getting exercise are both necessary to lose weight and keep it off for good. By following the tips in this article, you can eliminate those common mistakes that could ruin all of your hard work and determination.
Enjoy Eating Out Without Forfeiting Your Weight Loss Goals

Eating out can really be a challenge when you are trying to shed some pounds. Fortunately though, it doesn’t have to be an exercise in sheer will if you make a few adjustments to your regular dining out routine. Following are some suggestions in order to minimize a complete set-back when eating out with your friends and family.

One of the first questions asked when you are met by your server at a restaurant is whether they might bring you a specialty drink, beer or wine. Are you someone who typically orders a specialty drink or alcoholic beverage when out with family and friends? If so, maintaining your weight loss routine can be really frustrating. Instead of suffering through the evening, try having a glass of light beer or some wine rather than of having a sugary frozen drink like a daiquiri. Frozen drinks contain a lot more sugars and calories, which aren’t good for you if you’re trying to lose a few pounds. Beer and wine, while still not the most ideal, are the best choice if you’re going to drink.

Next on the menu will be your starter. For your starter, have a broth based soup instead of a salad topped with a fatty dressing. While a salad might scream “WEIGHT LOSS” more than soup, most people will choose to pile it with a thick salad dressing, thus negating its weight loss benefits. For this reason soup is a great alternative. If you decide to opt for soup, try to get a soup that is less dense. The clearer your soup is in color, the less fat and calories it will usually have in it.

When it comes time for the main course, try ordering off of the kid’s menu. While this may seem silly, it will help you to ease your hunger without filling up too much. Save the big meals for home, where you can cook a more healthy choice for yourself. If eating off of the children’s menu is not possible, make sure to set aside some of your meal to take home for later.

Speaking of the principle course, one of the widespread pitfalls of going out is that you’re more tempted to want to give in to your former weaknesses in lieu of choosing another thing you consider bland and boring. Nonetheless, as an alternative of swinging too far on the side of deprivation, choose a lighter option of your former favorite food group. For example, in case you are a french fry lover, take into consideration a baked potato with a small amount of butter, instead. While a baked potato with butter is certainly not for each day, you can possibly still get your potato or starch craving met, however with much less empty calories than its fried counterpart. Mostly, look for ways to eat the same as you would while adhering to your weight loss routine at home, and be sure to keep your portions in check.

When having dessert there are many different types of frozen treats. Most of us head for the straight for the ice cream or a rich cheesecake, but something such as a sorbet will be a lot less damaging to your weight loss goals. If this is not available at the place where you are dining, use this as an excuse for an after dinner treat at your local ice cream parlor. There are many delicious options available there for dessert that won’t be a burden on your wallet or waist line.

If you’re going out for a night on the town, it might be a good idea to have some healthy snacks with you so that you can avoid wanting to eat out. Avoiding fast food is the number one priority you should have when wanting to lose weight, but if you must eat out, look into the healthier options on the menu. If you use the above tips every time you eat out, you’ll be able to stay on track with your weight loss plan.

While it can be challenging and will certainly take planning, this is a great personal development exercise to partake in.


Add a Little Spice to Rev up Your Weight Loss

Weight loss is not as simple as one, two, and three. It takes an abundance of knowledge and a tremendous amount of willpower. Because of this, one of the best things that you can do to get a jump start on your diet is to figure out exactly what foods will really give you that extra boost. Well, if you are one who likes a little zest with your meals, you are in luck because it has been said that adding a bit of spice to your meals will help your weight loss.

Although it is not 100% clear how these spice filled foods can boost your metabolism, there have been studies that show there is a main element in many of these different metabolism boosting spices. This element is called Capsaicin. It can actually create heat and raise the temperature of your body so that you burn more calories.

Before tipping the cayenne pepper shaker, though, you should be careful when adding these new spicy foods to your diet. With adding spicy items to your diet, it may increase stomach problems and acid reflux, so you should start with just a small amount. Once you understand how your body reacts to each food, you will have a better idea of what is most ideal for your meals.

When incorporating the element of spices to your weight loss plan, the best time to do this is around noon. If you add a little bit of cayenne pepper or anything hot to your lunch, it will help you stay alert and awake as well as help you with any grogginess that is normally felt after you eat. The added benefit of this is that this additional wakefulness will help you to keep moving around and in turn, burn more calories.

There are a few additional health benefits that come along with indulging in spicy foods. There have been studies suggesting that people that consume a large amount of these foods have a lower likelihood of brain and nervous system complications.

Spicy foods can also help with chronic migraines and have been linked to aiding in lowering depression. On the flip side, there have also been rumors that spicy foods can cause ulcers, however this is not the case. Ulcers may be irritated when you are digesting a large amount of these foods, but they are not the main cause.

Cayenne pepper is not the only spice to help rev things up; there are numerous dried spices that can be incorporated into meals to help aid weight loss. Included in these are black pepper, mustard seed and ginger. If you add any of these dry spices to your dishes, it will add a kick and also help you lose weight more quickly.

Although studies have not absolutely proven these theories, there is a definite connection between eating spicy foods and weight loss. When you know the identities of these spicy foods and exactly how they work to enhance your food and metabolism, you can make more informed decisions about when to add these foods to your meal plan for your weight loss goals.


Keeping Your Weight-loss on Track through Journaling


Losing weight is a long-term process that can seem never-ending. By journaling your weight loss experience, you can help break up the monotony of waiting for each pound to drop off. Keeping a good journal can also enhance your weight-loss program and make you more likely to succeed. Here are some tips to help you journal the right way.

To start your journaling process, you first need a journal. Fortunately it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate. In fact, you can find an inexpensive journal at any department store. All that you really need is an empty book full of lined paper just waiting to be written on. After choosing your journal, keep it with you at all times, and soon it will become more than an empty book; it will also be your weight loss friend.

To begin, you can use your journal to track your workout program. Start by writing down your beginning statistics: weight, measurements, and your short-term exercise goals. Keep a daily summary of your physical activity. Day by day, try to increase your exercise level and keep a written record of it.

Use a page each week for your personal goals. Whether it’s a weight loss goal, an exercise goal or both – keep track of those small victories and each time you meet one, give yourself a small reward. Rewards can be small, but they are a reminder that you are working toward a bigger goal: a healthier, physically fit you!

Keep a menu page to journal your food intake throughout the day. You can make a list of what you plan to eat and then write down what you actually did eat. By keeping track of your daily food intake, you will be able to see what you are consuming and notice the little things you may forget that can slow down your weight loss.

An important part of weight loss is keeping yourself motivated and not letting yourself get down when you have a bad day. Sometimes it helps to record your feelings and any events that have triggered temptation or caused you to backslide. Writing it down can somehow make you feel better and more able to resist the next time temptation shows its ugly face.

While we already mentioned making a note of your starting weight, you can also keep a weight record in your journal. Begin with your starting weight and then decide how often you will weigh yourself. It’s best not to weigh every day, as hormonal fluid retention or too much sodium can cause temporary fluctuations in weight, and this can cause you to feel like you aren’t losing. Weekly or bi-weekly weigh-ins are a good way to see your progress, so resist the temptation to jump on the scale every day.

Finally, your journal is a great place to record recipes and tips you learn throughout your weight loss journey. Check online, in magazines and ask other dieters for their weight loss tips, or even start a recipe exchange. By writing them down, you will always know where to find some quick advice or a new dish to try.

Journaling can be a real motivation when you keep it up and do it right. You can record your weight-loss journey and refer back to it if you find yourself slipping into old eating habits. Get your journal started today, and find other innovative ways to track your progress in writing. When you reach your goals you’ll be amazed at what you have done and have learned, and will have a treasure to share with others who may need some encouragement on their weight-loss journey



Small Changes that Lead to Big Weight Loss

Starting a weight loss program is an important decision for anyone to make. It also means making significant life-changes which can be very challenging! So, as you embark on the journey toward weight loss and greater health, think of small things that can put you in the right frame of mind and get you ready to make some bigger changes later on. Here are some small ways to ease into weight-loss mode.

A small but important beginning to any weight loss program is exercise. Maybe you’ve been sedentary for quite some time and it’s rather agonizing to consider working out at a gym or doing strenuous exercises on a regular basis. But anyone can walk for 10 minutes each day, and as you get used to moving around, you may begin to like it.

Another small modification to implement is to try eating fresh fruit instead of drinking high-calorie juices. Many people do not realize that juice contains far more calories than the fruit it comes from. And what is worse, all of the fiber that is so important is literally gone! So, pick up a high fiber apple or orange, or get to know and enjoy some of the many other fruits available to you.

While making your small changes, you need to make the switch from eating bad fats to using their healthier alternatives. That’s right – all fat isn’t bad for you, but it is the type of fat you eat that makes you fat. Animal fats and saturated fats only cause weight gain and high cholesterol.  What you can do instead of eating prime rib on a regular basis is to try substituting these unhealthful foods with good fats: avocado, nuts, seeds and olive oil, to make your meals healthier. Also, if you just can’t tear yourself away from fatty red meats, try to choose leaner portions of meat instead.

While this next small change may seem obvious, it is one that many people have a difficult time with – replacing sugary sodas. Because of their high sugar and therefore empty calorie content, sugary sodas are a real diet-buster. Studies show that a person can lose 10 pounds in a year just by cutting out soda! If you find yourself constantly reaching for something sweet and bubbly to drink, instead opt for sparkling water with a splash of lime, lemon or orange – or maybe all three! You may be surprised at how delicious it tastes. It is possible that after doing this for a while you can work your way up to plain water.

Another change you can make that doesn’t require a drastic life adjustment is to eat slower. When you eat quickly your meal doesn’t have a chance to settle, and you may still feel hungry even after you’ve had enough. To help yourself slow down, put your fork down between bites and enjoy some conversation. Stretch out dinner time and you will find that you are more easily satisfied.

A terrific yet easy change you can make is to force yourself to walk longer when you are out. Instead of fighting to find the closest parking spot when you start taking regular trips to the gym or grocery store, park farther away from the entrance so that you can walk just a bit farther than you would normally. You could also walk up the stairs at the mall instead of taking the escalator. It may seem like a small adjustment, but you will burn extra calories this way and get your body used to moving. Then you will be able to increase your activity level as you get in better shape.

As you can see, the changes here are not dramatic. They are not meant to be. They are simple, easy tools you can use to prepare yourself for some real lifestyle changes. By using these small changes to jump-start your weight-loss program, soon you will be on your way to a new, thinner you!
Is Your Weight Loss Stalled? Jump-Start It With Juicing!

There are quite a few diets out there that claim to do just the trick when it comes to quick and easy weight loss. However, when it comes to your body, going the natural route is always far superior than questionable shakes and pills if you want to shed a few pounds fast. In fact, juicing is an interesting, unique and even clever way to shed unwanted pounds while still being able to enjoy a variety of delicious tastes.

If the idea of juicing conjures up images of hours and days of food deprived agony, relax. You don’t need thirty days to dedicate to juicing, and in fact might want to start with just two, and then move it up to five as your body acclimates. If you have never juice fasted before, it is best to start slow and then build up to longer fasts.

One of the great benefits of juicing is that it gives your digestion a rest, allowing your body to rid itself of unwanted toxic waste. By no longer filling it with sugary, processed and toxic foods but instead filling it with raw delicious fruits and vegetables, it can focus on healing instead of surviving. This, in turn, will help you to release weight, and you will start to feel lighter and cleaner.

When you begin your juicing program, start at a time when you have the least demanding schedule, perhaps on the weekend. This way, you have the time necessary to make the amount of juice you need, and you may also rest if you find yourself lacking in energy. If you are giving yourself a proper variety of fruit and vegetable juices, though, your energy level should not be an issue.

As you are juicing, you are flooding your body with the vitamins and nutrients it so desperately needs. While this is a good thing, watch out for juicing recipes that contain too much sugar. This will cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then you will have a crash to contend with. Instead of straight fruit and even fruit and carrots, look for recipes that are a nice blend of vegetables and fruits. For example, try pear, parsley and spinach. Or, maybe even carrots and spinach. Mix it up, and don’t let the juice be too heavy on either end of the fruit or vegetable spectrum.

If you follow juicing recipes correctly, you will be able to enjoy the full sensation of a meal and the same nutrient intake as well. Make sure that you follow recipes correctly and supplement where necessary, and you should not have any problems with maintaining sustained energy levels.

Adding herbs to your juices can boost your metabolism in subtle ways. Parsley and cilantro are known for their fat-burning potential. However, those new to juicing may want to hold off on cilantro and opt for parsley instead. Cilantro is not tolerated by everybody, so you will have to experiment and see if it is right for you.

Juicing strengthens your metabolism overall, with or without herbs. This is because sipping on proper juice combinations throughout the day provides you with moderated blood sugar levels. This prevents dangerous dips in blood sugar levels, and prevents overeating at mealtimes.

Juicing fruits and vegetables also provides other benefits. Your immune system will enjoy a boost from the added vitamins and minerals in your diet, and you may find you are susceptible to fewer colds than you once were.

Juicing can be a great way to jump-start a weight loss routine, particularly for short-term gains. It can also be an excellent supplementation to a diet that is balanced otherwise. Don’t let fear of hunger stop you from flooding your body with much-needed nutrients and giving your digestion a rest. Not only will you feel better after, but you will look superb.


Weight Loss Success On Any Diet

How to achieve weight loss success on any diet.

Are you tired of being overweight? Have you tried one diet after another with no results? Anyone who has ever gone on a diet knows how hard it can be to stay motivated and stick with the diet. Here is how it usually goes: You start a new diet with all good intentions, then within a short period of time find yourself cheating — just a little at first. Then eventually you give up the diet altogether. Many people find themselves on this roller coaster over and over again.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are now more than 1.5 billion adults worldwide who are overweight. Of these, more than 200 million men and nearly 300 million women are obese. Overall, more than one in ten adults in the world are obese.

Causes of Overweight and Obesity
People become overweight when they consume more calories than the body can burn. This is partly due to an increase in foods that are high in calories, fat and sugar, but low in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. In addition, our modern society has seen a decrease in physical activity due to an ever-increasing sedentary lifestyle. The majority of people today have sedentary jobs, drive or ride to work, then go home and engage in sedentary entertainment.

The consequences of being overweight
The consequences include a much higher risk for developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke, diabetes, osteoarthritis and other degenerative diseases of the joints, and some cancers such as heart, colon, and endometrial.

What is the answer?
The answer for every overweight person is to make a commitment to get healthy and achieve an ideal body weight. In order to be successful, you will need to find an effective weight loss diet, and make a plan for success.
Want to know how to succeed on any diet?
It doesn’t matter so much what type of weight loss plan you choose as long as it is a healthy diet. Experts agree the best diet is the one you can stick with long enough to achieve your weight loss goal.


Why Do Most Weight Loss Plans Fail?

The reason most diets fail is because the dieter didn’t first create a plan for success. Before launching your new diet, take the time to create a plan to help you succeed.

Choose a diet that will suit your lifestyle; then make a plan and prepare for your success. The plan should include strategies to keep you on track during times of temptation and discouragement. Otherwise, what will you do when you start to feel discouraged or have strong food cravings? Having a plan is the secret to success!

The purpose of this book is to show how to create a plan that will help ensure your success at achieving your weight loss goal.
So let’s get started!
The first step is to . . .

Do a Self-Analysis

Why do a self-analysis? Because it’s a necessary part of change. You are in a place now where you don’t want to be, and that place is being overweight. You have to figure out how you became overweight in the first place in order to change your future. There are reasons why you got where you are now. By asking yourself some relevant questions, you can discover how you got where you are, and then you’ll have new-found knowledge and self awareness to begin the journey to your new destination (your ideal body weight).

This phase is a very important one and should not be ignored.

You might be able to complete the self analysis within an hour, or it might take a couple of days in some cases. But you must find the answers to the important questions in order to succeed and lose the weight.

The good news is that once you have the answers to the important questions, you’ll have the information you need to change eating habits.

These are the questions to ask yourself:

When during my lifetime did I start to overeat?

At what point did I become overweight?

Why do I reach for food that I know is fattening or unhealthy?

What feelings am I having during those times when I overeat or go on a binge?

Do I eat even when I’m not hungry?

Do I eat when feeling stressed?

Do I reach for food when others are arguing?

Do I feel guilty about something?

Do I eat when trying to perform a task I don’t want to do? When I’m tired?
When I’m feeling anxious?

Am I looking for something that is missing from my life?

What do I need that I don’t have now?

Am I trying to protect myself?

What am I afraid of?

What do I want most in life?

What do I really want for my future?

Write these questions in a journal (journaling is discussed on page 10). After writing the questions, ponder them for a while until you have an answer. It might be necessary to observe yourself while eating – especially during those times when you find yourself overeating or binging – to get some of the answers. Observe your feelings while eating, and especially during overeating. As you come up with answers to these questions, write them in your journal.

The last and most important question to ask yourself during the self-analysis: Am I willing to change in order to achieve my goal?

If the answer is “yes,” continue on to the next step.

Set A Goal

Before starting any journey, you must first choose a destination. Where do you want to end up with your weight loss plan?

Setting a goal is one step beyond the mere thought that you want to lose weight, and it forces the brain to focus on what you want, clarify it, and put it into words.

Determine what your ideal body weight is and how much weight you want to lose. For example, if you now weigh 185 pounds and are 5’8” tall, your ideal body weight is probably around 152 pounds. So you would need to lose 33 pounds to achieve your ideal body weight. It might be more or less, depending on your personal preference. You can get an idea of your own ideal body weight by going to this site and entering your own details:

Weigh yourself first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything, and let the number on the scale be your starting point.

So now you should have your current body weight, the ideal body weight you want to achieve, and the difference between the two, which is the amount of weight you want to lose. If you now weigh 160 pounds, and your ideal body weight is 130, then your goal is to lose 30 pounds.

The goal should be something you can see yourself attaining. If the goal is too big or too lofty, you might become discouraged quickly. It is better to break it up into smaller goals. If you want to eventually lose 50 pounds, break it up into smaller chunks. For example, set your first goal at losing 10 pounds, and once you have achieved that goal, set another goal to lose another 10 pounds. In this way you can feel successful along the way to achieving the higher goal.

Add a time element to the weight loss goal if you want. You might choose to lose 30 pounds within 30 weeks. That is 1 pound per week and is a very realistic goal.

Now you have a goal! Your goal is to lose ___ pounds within ___ weeks (fill in the blanks).
Put Your Goal in Writing

The simple act of putting a goal into words and making a commitment to achieve it will create an impetus of energy that can build and gain energy as you think about it, write about it, and take action to do it.

The majority of people who succeed and achieve their goals are those who write down their goals. As you put goals in writing, you add a psychological element that tells the brain and subconscious this is something you are working towards.

Goals are much more likely to materialize if you put them in writing. For even faster manifestation, read your goals every day.

After putting your goal in writing, read it the first thing in the morning after awakening and the last thing at night before going to bed. By doing this on a regular basis, all your goals are much more likely to materialize in your life.


Visualize yourself having already achieved your weight loss goal. See yourself as you will look once you have reached your idea body weight. Picture it in your mind with as many details as you can think of. If you now weigh 200 pounds, don’t visualize weighing that much. If your goal weight is 135 pounds, visualize yourself as the way you’ll look at 135 pounds. What outfit can you hardly wait to wear at your ideal weight? Visualize yourself wearing it. How will you wear your hair? Picture yourself moving through the day, going to work, shopping in stores, dining in restaurants, and all the things you do in a normal day. Keep these images in your mind, especially when you feel tempted to get off your diet.

Once you clarify a goal, put it into words, write it down, and visualize it, that goal becomes a powerful catalyst for your future actions. It will energize you to get started, give you enthusiasm to stay on target, and it will give you a vision for your new future. This is very powerful!

Keep a Journal

Use a journal to write down goals and record thoughts and feelings while on your weight loss journey. This is an excellent tool that can be used to help you stay on target and keep a record of your progress. Putting feelings in written words is a great way to get things off your chest and can be very therapeutic.

Record in the journal every day and include the foods you eat, as well as the feelings you have at the time of any food cravings or binges. After keeping a journal for a period of time, you’ll start to see some patterns that will open your eyes about your relationship with food. This will give you insight and a feeling of control as you start to see things more clearly.

Manage Stress

Often the biggest killer of a successful diet plan is stress. When under stress, most people will have food cravings that will be almost impossible to keep at bay. Stress eating is often the very thing that makes people gain so much weight in the first place.

When we are under stress, it gets our body chemistry out of whack. In particular, our hormones become unbalanced, and that causes all kinds of symptoms including feeling jittery, light headedness, fast heart rate, and headache, among others. When we feel unbalanced, it is natural to reach for something to make us feel better. That something is usually food. This is why it is so important to find ways to relieve stress as it comes. If the stress is not dealt with timely, it just gets worse, and the body chemistry becomes more unbalanced, causing more severe symptoms, and more food cravings.

Doctors say that most of their patients come to them with illnesses brought on by stress. If we could just get rid of the stress in our lives, we could be healthier, happier, and leaner.

You may have discovered during the self-analysis phase that you are a stress eater. If so, attempting a diet without reducing stress is setting yourself up for failure. First take care of the stress, and then the stress-eating will resolve itself.

There will be times when you have a strong craving for a certain food or find yourself eating out of stress. If you plan ahead for these times, you will be much more likely to succeed with your weight loss plan.

The following are some proven ways to relieve stress. Get started using as many of these techniques as possible to relieve your daily stress and cure stress eating.

Get plenty of sleep. You might think that getting an adequate amount of sleep has nothing to do with losing weight. Or you might think that losing sleep can help you burn more calories.

Although it’s true you will burn more calories awake than when asleep, the problem is that not getting enough sleep hurts you in the long run. That’s because a lack of sleep causes a hormonal imbalance in your body, and it puts your body under stress. Putting your body under additional stress can increase food cravings and generally make you feel less than your optimum self. In addition, whenever there is an imbalance in body chemistry, especially with the hormones, that can increase food cravings.

The bottom line is that you need your beauty sleep. It helps you feel better, keeps your body in optimum working order, and generally just makes you look and feel your best. So get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

Practice Meditation. Meditation is an excellent way to relax and relieve stress. It might be hard for some people to undertake in the beginning because you have to actually sit still and quiet your mind. Generally speaking, though, the harder it is to practice in the beginning, the more you need to do it! If you find it hard to sit still and quiet your mind for a few minutes, this is evidence that you really are stressed.

Studies have shown that those who do practice meditation get some powerful benefits from it. Meditating on a regular basis can lower blood pressure, heart rate, cortisol levels, and has been shown to even cure disorders such as hypertension, migraine headaches, stomach disorders, and many more.

If you don’t know how to meditate, there are many books on the subject, and there are many ways to meditate. You can start by finding a quiet place to rest and concentrate on your breathing for a few minutes. Start with just 5 minutes and increase to 15 minutes daily. Some people like to meditate as long as 30 to 45 minutes, but it is up to you and your schedule. Get started meditating and start reaping the benefits!

Write in your Journal. During times of stress, write down your thoughts and feelings in your journal. You will find this to be a very effective way to relieve stress. Many counselors use journaling as a part of therapy with their clients and have found it to be a useful way to deal with feelings and enable you to identify stressors in your life.

Get a Massage. Massage therapy is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress. The power of touch gives comfort, and a talented massage therapist will be able to find your tension and work it out through the muscles. Find a good massage therapist and let him or her work on your tense muscles. It should feel good so be sure to let the therapist know your preference in pressure. Generally, the light touch is best for stress relief. The overall experience of massage therapy includes relaxing music and aromatherapy, which is very therapeutic and will give you a boost in mood as well.

Spend Time with Friends. Spending time with friends or loved ones is one of the most important elements of all our lives, and it can also help to relieve stress. Our DNA has given us a need for social connection. Being with people you care about is one of the best ways to achieve a general overall feeling of well being.

Of course, it’s also important to surround yourself with people who are positive thinkers and who support you. Choose to spend time with friends and loved ones who make you feel good about yourself and about life in general.

Practice Breathing Exercises. Breathing is the most natural thing in the world, but when you start feeling stressed it often affects the breath. Some people start to breathe shallowly and sometimes even hyperventilate under very stressful conditions. But you can also use the breath to relieve stress and feel more relaxed. Just a few minutes of correct deep breathing can relieve stress.

Breathing exercise: Take a slow, deep breath and expand the abdomen as you intake air. Breathe in through the nose to the count of 4, hold the breath to the count of 6, and exhale slowly through the mouth to the count of 8. Do this 4-5 times and notice your muscles relax and tension release. Practice this exercise daily and whenever you feel stressed or feel a food craving coming on.

Boost Metabolism

Metabolism is the biological process used by our bodies to burn energy (calories) and maintain our body weight. If you have a low metabolism, your body will burn fewer calories and it will be more difficult to lose weight. On the other hand, if you boost the body’s metabolism to a higher rate, it will be easier to lose weight, and you’ll lose it faster.

So, of course the goal is to find ways to boost metabolism so you can lose weight faster! Here are some ways to give your metabolism a kick start.

Eat Breakfast. Eating breakfast is important for a number of reasons. Our bodies fast during the night, and our metabolism slows down. When we wake up and eat a nutritious breakfast it jump starts our metabolism. It is a way to get the internal motors running at a good rate and it helps set the pattern for the rest of the day. By eating a healthy breakfast, you are in a sense calibrating the metabolic rate.

Eat More Protein. Protein takes time for the body to digest, and it makes you feel full for a longer amount of time. Eating protein can raise the body’s metabolic rate and burn calories faster.

Eat at least some protein for breakfast. Ever wonder why bacon and eggs are such popular breakfast fare? There’s a reason for that. Think protein for breakfast. If you don’t like bacon and eggs, try another type of protein such as beans, ham, turkey or beef.

Don’t Skip Meals. Another way to boost metabolism is to be sure you do not skip meals. You might think that skipping meals will help the weight come off faster, but actually the opposite is true. Your body needs fuel every few hours except during the night. Whenever you skip a meal, your body thinks it is being starved and metabolism decreases which means the body burns calories slower.

Once you have had a nutritious breakfast complete with some protein, be sure to eat at regular intervals during the day. In order to keep metabolism running high, it needs fuel or food to keep it that way. By skipping a meal, the body registers it as starving, and metabolism slows down. Calorie burning becomes sluggish as the body tries to store remaining fat in case food is not available again for a while. This brings metabolism down and your body can eventually go into a storing rather than burning mode. So don’t be tempted to skip a meal; keep your metabolism running at a high rate.

Drink Lots of Water. Drinking lots of water is another way to boost metabolism. By drinking lots of water, you can actually kick-start your weight loss plan. The intake of water actually changes body chemistry, enables cells to function better, and helps moves the waste out of your body faster. When the waste is removed, so are unwanted pounds. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day in order to stay hydrated and boost metabolism.

Don’t Eat After 7:00 p.m. Your body’s metabolism is slower at nighttime and during sleep. If you eat late, the food you eat won’t have enough time to digest and will be left in your stomach when your body’s metabolism slows down during sleep. The food you eat after 7:00 p.m. will be much more likely to turn to fat.
Control Food Cravings

Controlling food cravings is possibly the most important part of your weight loss plan. There will be times when you are tempted to eat junk foods, unhealthy foods, sugary and fattening foods. Sometimes the temptation will be very strong, and you will need to prepare ahead of time for these moments.

Here are some ways to help control food cravings. When you feel a craving for something that is not on your diet, or when you are tempted to go on a binge, try one or more of these techniques.

Listen to your favorite music. Most everyone has an iPod or similar device with music at their fingertips. Find music that makes you feel uplifted and empowered, and make a folder named “Kill Food Cravings.” Whenever you feel a food craving, put on headphones and listen to your “power” music.

Call a Friend. Choose a friend and ask him or her to support you in your weight loss journey. Explain to the friend that you will be calling them when you feel the need for support. If you feel tempted to go on an eating binge, call your friend and just chat until the craving goes away. When you think about someone else for even a short period of time, you will likely forget about the craving and go on to some other activity.

Take a walk. Taking a walk is a good way to get your mind off food. If weather permits, walk outdoors in the sunshine and put your attention on nature. Notice the sky, clouds, birds, trees, and any activity around you. This is a great way to distract yourself until the craving ends. Walking also raises endorphin levels and will likely raise your mood and make you forget all about eating.

Visualize your goal. During times of temptation, remind yourself of your goal, and visualize it. See yourself as you will look after you have achieved your weight loss goal, and keep that picture in your mind. By visualizing your goal whenever tempted to get off the diet, you will be much more likely to overcome temptation.

Reach for a healthy snack. Whenever you feel a craving for something to eat and the craving won’t go away, go ahead and eat, but choose something healthy. Make a list of healthy snacks ahead of time and keep them handy for future cravings. Depending on your specific diet plan, some healthy snacks on your list could include Greek yogurt, almonds, vegetable soup, fresh vegetables, and fruit.

Eat foods high in fiber. By including foods that are high in fiber, you will get full faster and stay satisfied longer. High fiber foods bind to other foods, especially fats, and move them out of the body. Foods high in fiber include raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
Dealing with Social Situations

In our modern society there are tempting foods everywhere. People bring donuts to work, they make birthday cakes for co-workers, friends invite you to dinner, your spouse or loved one cooks meals that aren’t on your diet.

When it comes to turning down tempting foods offered by co-workers, friends, spouses, and others, you must decide ahead of time how to deal with it. The key to successfully maneuvering through these situations is planning for them.

Don’t turn down every invitation to dine out with a friend, but don’t dine out every night either. When eating at restaurants, try to make healthy choices.

Decide on a plan to deal with donuts at work. The best way I’ve found is to simply say, “no thank you.” This is easier to do if you keep busy until the donuts are gone. You can also give yourself a pep talk which is discussed below.

If you cave in to temptation and find yourself cheating, don’t dwell on it. Forgive yourself and get right back on track with your diet plan.
Give Yourself a Break

Choose one day out of every week and allow yourself to eat anything you want. This will increase your metabolism even on the other six days, and it will give you something to look forward to. When you feel tempted to cheat on the other six days, you’ll know you’re not denying yourself the pleasure of eating the treat but just delaying it.

This one tip can help you stay on track and reach your weight loss goal because you’ll look forward to the day when you can eat anything you want.

By sticking with a diet 6 days out of 7, you can lose weight just as fast as staying on the diet every day. This is due to the added boost in metabolism.

Keep Moving

Find ways to get going and keep moving as part of your weight loss plan.
By increasing your activity, you will improve overall health and raise metabolism. As activity increases, you will burn calories faster as your metabolism revs up.

Adding a few steps here and there on a regular basis will add up, and you will increase activity, boost metabolism, burn more calories, and lose weight faster. Here are some ways to get more exercise in your day.

Bypass the closest parking space. When driving to stores and other places, choose the parking space that is further instead of closer. It won’t add more than a minute or two to each errand and will add exercise that will boost your metabolism.

Join a gym. If you can fit it into your schedule, join a gym. There are excellent bargains these days with workout gyms. Find one you can afford and make it a habit to go regularly.

Join a class. Is there a class you have always wanted to take? Now is the time to do it. Join a class that involves exercise such as tennis, dance, or join a bowling league. These can be really fun, and you just might forget that it’s exercise!

Plan What You Eat

You’ve probably noticed that when you go through the day without planning ahead of time what to eat, you’re much more likely to eat foods that are unhealthy and not on the diet plan. Planning ahead is a very important element to staying on any diet. When you get hungry, you WILL eat, whether the allowed foods are available or not.

When you get hungry and allowed foods aren’t available, that’s when you’re most likely to slip up and eat something sugary and high in fat. You might say to yourself, “Just a little cheating won’t hurt.” But if you fail to plan on a regular basis, all the cheating adds up, and your weight loss plan could be sabotaged.

Plan your meals and snacks ahead of time and take a list to the grocery store. Every morning before leaving for work, take all the food you plan to eat, including meals and snacks. If you decide to eat a meal at a restaurant, choose a restaurant that offers healthy foods on your diet plan. Any time you leave home, be sure to take food with you for snacks. Then when you get hungry, you’ll have something healthy to eat that is included in your diet plan.

Talk to Yourself

Human beings are wired in a way that we want to complete things. When we hear a question, we look for the answer. When we hear a story, we want to know how the story ends. When we start eating a hamburger, we want to finish it. If someone gives us a donut, we want to keep eating until it’s all gone.

Those who are able to push the plate away or just eat half the donut all have one thing in common. They have a different inner dialogue than the “finisher.” Those who stop eating when they no longer feel hungry are saying something different to themselves than the person who feels compelled to eat the whole thing even when they are full or feel satiated. The quitters say to themselves, “I’m done,” “That’s all I want,” “I’m full.” The keyword or thought is “I’m finished.” They no longer feel the urge to eat because they are “finished.”

If you find yourself thinking, “I really want to eat all of this,” or “this is so good, I’m eating all of it,” then change what you say to yourself.

Change your thoughts about food. When you are eating and start to feel satisfied, tell yourself, “I’m getting full.” Then say to yourself, “I’m finished” at least three times. Say it out loud if you need to.

Chances are that you’ll feel differently after telling yourself, “I’m through eating now.” It’s amazing how the thoughts we think and the words we use can actually change how we feel. Try it and see how it makes you feel. You truly do have the power to change your reality, and it starts with your thoughts.

Give Yourself a Pep Talk

Get ready now for a time in the future when you’re tempted to eat something not on your diet plan. For example, your spouse might be eating a delicious food and you want to eat it, too. Or a friend invites you to dinner and tries to talk you into “sharing” a calorie-loaded dessert. What will you do to keep from sabotaging your diet?

Write yourself a pep talk and commit it to memory. Then, any time you start to feel tempted to binge eat, give yourself the pep talk.

It should include all the reasons why you started your weight loss plan in the first place, the qualities you have that will enable you to succeed, and how happy you are to be on the road to success.

Find a time when you’re feeling extremely positive and upbeat, and sit down and write your pep talk.

Here is a sample to get you started creating your own pep talk:

I have the power to change my future, and my power is in the present moment. My power is NOW. I started this diet to get healthy, lose weight, and look good. I’ve been doing a great job so far and I plan to keep up the good work. Every day I get closer to my goal. I’ve already lost weight, and I can keep going! It will be a proud day when I reach my ideal body weight and have the body I have been dreaming about. I’m on course to achieve my goal and my dream. My dream is becoming my reality!

Starting today, you can be on your way to a slim and healthier you. Take care of the beautiful machine that is your body. Choose a weight loss diet that is healthy and suits your lifestyle, and take steps to ensure your success. Do a self-analysis and then create a plan that will put you on a path to achieve your weight loss goal. Enjoy the benefits that come from having a lean and fit body — good health, energy and an overall better sense of self!
Start Today!…Right Now!

If you’re ready to build a healthy, lean and attractive body, now is the time to get started.

Use the strategies contained in this book along with an effective weight loss diet to achieve the healthy, lean and attractive body you desire.

The right diet plan will show you how to combine fat burning foods to keep your body melting away the fat.

Don’t let another day pass. The new you is ready to emerge!