Weight Loss

Planning A Successful Diet And Exercise Routine

Planning A Successful Diet And Exercise Routine

Why You Can’t Just Start Exercising and Dieting

One of the biggest mistakes that many people make when trying to lose weight or build muscle, is to approach the objective as something isolated and separate from the rest of their lifestyle.

Too many people think that they can start getting into better shape, simply by changing their diet or by starting to train for X number of hours a day.

What’s wrong with this? It doesn’t take into account any of the challenges that led to you becoming out of shape in the first place and it neglects to account for the obstacles you will continue to face.

Why Aren’t You in Shape?

When it comes to working out, people will spend a lot of time and even money looking for the perfect training program. This is ignoring the fact that they aren’t already doing any exercise – despite being perfectly aware that doing some press ups at the end of the day would probably be good for them.

They want to get into shape and yet they’re not already doing anything to get there. Why is that? It’s not the lack of program – it’s the lack of energy. And most likely that lack of energy is in turn linked to a number of other things, such as their diet and perhaps their sleep.

More often than not though, that lack of energy is to do with stress. It’s because they’re coming home every day from a hard day at work that leaves them feeling harassed, energyless and potentially depressed.

Likewise, we’re stressed, tired and rushed because we have so many other commitments. These include things like clubs and activities, taking the kids to school, making food and cleaning the house…

How a Complete Lifestyle Change Helps

With all this in mind then, it’s not enough to just try and add 5 40 minute workouts to your week, that just won’t work! Instead, you should focus on your whole lifestyle to put yourself in a position where you do have the energy and the time to make these big changes.

That means focussing on getting home from work quicker and on being less stressed while you are working. It also means improving your sleep by learning to switch off and by maintaining a more comfortable sleeping environment.

It even means dressing better so you feel more confident at work and thus more energized when you get home.

To get into shape it’s not enough to change one thing. Everything must change.

Cardio versus Weight Training To Burn Calories

Cardio versus Weight Training To Burn Calories

Should I do cardio or weight training to lose weight is a common question.

There are many reasons anyone may want to lose weight. They may be wanting to lose weight to achieve better health, to look better in clothes, improve chances of finding the right relationship, be able to do more with family and many others.


Woman Weight Training

When discussing weight training as a way to lose weight many are concerned they will gain muscle and actually look bigger.  Making weight training a routine part of your exercise regimen will result in the building of muscle. Initially, it may seem you are not making any progress from a weight loss standpoint; however, if you stick with it you should start noticing changes such as clothes fitting better, more muscular tone, and an increase in energy.

Weightlifting can be an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to losing weight and may just be what is needed to give your weight loss program the boost it needs.

If you want to learn more about how weight training may help you start losing weight right away and move forward to achieve your weight loss goals:

Does Weight Training Help You Burn Fat


Dumbbell Shoulder                        Press

Weight training is not typically looked at as an aerobic activity

Weight training primarily utilizes the glycogen system for producing energy, your heart rate will increase during weight training exercise, and if you workout for about 40 minutes you should burn about 500 calories.

The average person burns about 2000 calories per day just doing their normal daily activities. Adding 40 minutes of weight training can help you burn an extra 500 calories each day you workout.

One pound of fat is equivalent to about 350o calories, so burning an extra 500 calories per day or decreasing your  intake 500 calories may help you lose about one pound per week.

Running for the same amount of time will result in your burning a similar amount of


Cardiovascular Exercise Using Treadmill


You should consider investing in a fitness tracker and see how many calories you are burning.

Lifting weights tends to work several muscle groups even when you are focusing on one area of the body.

This stimulates the release of hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone helping in the repair of muscle after your workouts. The involvement of multiple muscles helps to boost your metabolism and burn more fat.

What’s more though, is that simply having more muscle means your body has to work harder to keep everything running smoothly. Muscle requires energy to maintain and as such, if you build some biceps and abs you’ll actually burn more calories in your sleep.

Weight training will help you get more toned, may help get rid of stretch marks, and give the illusion of weight loss even if you are not showing evidence of weight loss on the scale.

Resistance cardio involves combining cardiovascular exercise with resistance exercise (weight training). Examples of resistance cardio include riding a stationary bike on a high setting, or performing rows against a lot of


Cardio Resistant Exercise


So when your goal is to lose weight, look more toned and get healthier a combination of cardiovascular and resistance exercise  should be an excellent starting point.

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy Weight Loss Tips.

In the past 30 years the number of people who suffer from being overweight and obesity has grown significantly. The weight loss industry is growing to meet the demand, but the number of people who are overweight only continues to grow.

What’s the problem?

Here’s the bottom line. The real way that people can lose weight and keep it off is not related to a fad diet, eating only cabbage or plugging into some electrical stimulation program that promises to work off the fat and make you a lean, mean calorie burning machine.

Instead, the real way that real people lose weight is to do the work of living a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 of the most important tips you can follow to lose all the weight you want.

1. Sleep

Often overlooked, sleep is important to your overall health and weight loss efforts for a number of reasons. Many people will eat more if they are tired in an effort to stay awake. The behavior is subconscious and most are never aware that they were doing it! Sleep reduces your stress and your cortisol levels, a hormone which can encourage the body to put on more fat. When you are sleep deprived you are also more likely to give in to temptations.

2. Water

A simple 8 glasses of water per day (8 ounces each) will also help your body to flush toxins and burn calories and fat more efficiently. Just a 1 percent dehydration can reduce your performance at tasks that require analytical skills, like math, and you will percieve that you are hungry instead of thirsty. If you feel hungry, the first thing to do is drink 8 -10 ounces of water and wait a few minutes. You just may have been thirsty!

3. Exercise

Excercise is important to any weight loss program because it helps your body to burn calories. However, don’t be gung-ho at first or you’ll be so sore the next day that you’ll drop your exercise routine. If you’ve never done a fitness program work up to walking for 30 minutes everyday and move on from there.

4. Calories

Each calorie might be burned differently in your body, but don’t be fooled into thinking that they don’t count. I don’t care if the calories you eat are all carbs, all fat or all protein (depending upon which camp of nutritional experts you ascribe to) if you eat many more calories than you burn off everyday you’ll gain weight. Try www.myfitnesspal.com to help track your nutritional intake, set goals and produce reports about your eating habits.

5. Fat vs carbs

There are some who still believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to better health and lower weight. However, all you are doing is increasing the amount of carbs you eat to make up for the calories lost. Carbs will increase your cravings, spike your blood sugar and increase the amount of triglycerides your body produces. Try increasing the amount of GOOD fats you eat, from nuts, seeds and fatty fish or avocados. You’ll feel more full for longer periods and lose your cravings for sugar and sweets.

6. Change Your Environment

Just like smokers must leave an environment that triggers their desire to light up or an alcoholic shouldn’t go into a bar, so you should change your environment and leave behind the places and friends who trigger your desire for high calorie foods or multiple snacking during the day.

7. Reduce Stress

Many people are stress eaters and will eat to reduce their level of stress or when they are celebrating. Learn some techniques to reduce your stress. You’ll also reduce the amount of cortisol your body produces. This hormone secreted by the Adrenal glands on top of the kidneys will produce more body fat.

8. Get up during the day

Even if you spend an hour a day working out, you will continue to be at higher risk for weight gain and heart conditions when you spend your day sitting behind a desk. Put a timer on your computer and get up every 15 minutes to stretch, walk a bit and get the blood moving. It will keep your body burning calories too.

9. Be accountable

Find a friend or relative who is making the same positive lifestyle changes you are and team up. Life is easier when you have someone to call when you dont’ want to walk or that chocolate cake is calling you.

10 Be realistic and consistent

It can be hard to be realistic when everyone you see is model thin and each diet promises you instant results. Just remember that it took more than 2 weeks to put the weight on and it will take more than 2 weeks to take it off. Work consistently at changing your lifestyle choices and recognize that little changes can make big differences in the long run.



CNN Health: 11 Simple Weight Loss Tips

USA Today: Our 25 Best Weight Loss Tips from over the years
Womans Day: Our Best 75 Weight Loss Tips
Cosmopolitan: The 10 Best Weight Loss tips ever
Chris Pirillo: 50 Weight Loss Tips




Exercise Programs For Weight Loss

Exercise Programs For Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight and to get into shape can be a real battle for some people. In addition to dieting to lose weight, it is a good idea to start a weight loss exercise program.

The key element to finding a good weight loss training exercise program is to find something you enjoy. If you hate jog, then why put yourself through that? Find out what you enjoy doing as far as exercise and stick to it.

The first thing you should do before you start an exercise program is to check with your doctor. You should always make sure that you are healthy enough to start an exercise program.

The next step when you start an exercise program is to set small goals for yourself. Goal setting takes a monumental task and breaks it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. If you want to lose a total of thirty pounds, break this down into a smaller goal of losing two pounds per week.

When doing any type of weight loss training exercise program it is important that you warm up first. Warming up your muscles by doing stretching exercises prior to your main workouts will help you avoid injury. Warm muscles are much more flexible and less prone to strains.

Keep plenty of water on hand when you are exercising. It is critical that you keep your body hydrated while working out. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out any toxins that are released from your body by exercising. Staying hydrated will also keep your muscles from becoming unbearably sore the day after working out.

It is a good idea to switch exercises between cardio exercises and weight training exercises. Switching between the two will give your body the maximum workout. It will allow you to lose weight faster and build lean muscle.

If you become tired while exercising, take a break. It is easier to injure yourself when you are tired. If you are trying to lose weight and get into shape, the last thing you need is an injury.

Some people find that they do better in groups of people. If this sounds like you, join a gym or an exercise club. There are many member only clubs that can help you lose weight and get into shape. When you are working out with other people, it can motivate you and make you accountable for how successful you will be.

Weight loss by exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight. You not only will feel better because of the exercise, you will start to build muscle mass and look a lot better.
When you are trying to lose weight, don’t depend on diet alone to do it for you. It is critical that you make a total lifestyle change and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.




BodyBuilding.com: What is the Best Fat Loss Workout
Active: Fitness
MAyoClinic: Exercise for Weight Loss and Calorie Burn
Muscle and Strength: Workout Routines
FitDay: Lose Weight in 8



Your Body’s Daily Nutrient Needs

Nutrients your body needs on a daily basis

Every human needs a certain amount of nutrients each day. There is a lot of controversy on exactly how much of each type of nutrients you need such as proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals. There are some really great charts put out by various organizations such as the CDC, centers for disease control, and other government entities. The best thing you can do for yourself is to ensure that you’re eating plenty of veggies, fruits, and whole natural foods as unprocessed as possible, in every color of the rainbow.

This chart is a very general guideline, you should consult your physician or healthcare practitioner to be sure about your particular needs. Your needs can be determined by special blood tests which check the levels of the nutrients in your blood. It is recommended, if you’re concerned to get one blood test per year to check your levels. Once you know your levels you can adjust your dietary intake accordingly.

In general every woman needs adequate amounts of calcium, iron, and folic acid. The actual amount is dependent upon the person’s individual weight, caloric intake and health issues. Most women need about 18 milligrams per day of Iron, and 400 micrograms of folic acid, and about 1000 mg of calcium. It is also important to take or expose yourself to vitamin D each day. Despite rumors you can get adequate amounts of these vitamins and minerals easily, whether you’re a vegan or a carnivore. Just learn the nutrient amounts in the foods you ingest and use a nutrition calculator such as CRON-O-Meter or FitDay.org’s nutrition calculator to ensure that you’re meeting your goals. Remember that goals can also be met on a weekly basis over time and don’t always have to be daily.

Men need to also ensure that they meet their requirements each day too but on different levels of women’s. It’s important for men to also check with their doctor to ensure they’re getting the essential nutrients that they need over time. Most of the time, people who eat a variety of healthy whole foods and enough dark green leafy veggies, will meet their nutrition requirements over time. But in some cases, such as with vitamin B 12, both men and women can have issues with processing the vitamin and may need supplementation. This is because our soil is depleted of these vitamins today, but for the most part you should be able to get the vitamins and minerals from your diet.

Check with your doctor before you ingest high doses of any supplement as it could be dangerous. Instead, seek to get most of your needs met through your diet. A good way to ensure you’re getting enough fruits and veggies is to incorporate either a green juice or green smoothie into your diet once a day. A good recipe is below:


Morning Green Pineapple Upside Down Cake Smoothie DirectionsPut all in blender in order. Blend in high speed blender on high until ice is gone. Enjoy.

Variations: Substitute pineapple with any other fruit. Replace coconut water with soy free, gluten free, sugar free almond milk for a creamier consistency.

Add more ice for thicker milk shake like smoothie!