
Exercise Programs For Weight Loss

Exercise Programs For Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight and to get into shape can be a real battle for some people. In addition to dieting to lose weight, it is a good idea to start a weight loss exercise program.

The key element to finding a good weight loss training exercise program is to find something you enjoy. If you hate jog, then why put yourself through that? Find out what you enjoy doing as far as exercise and stick to it.

The first thing you should do before you start an exercise program is to check with your doctor. You should always make sure that you are healthy enough to start an exercise program.

The next step when you start an exercise program is to set small goals for yourself. Goal setting takes a monumental task and breaks it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. If you want to lose a total of thirty pounds, break this down into a smaller goal of losing two pounds per week.

When doing any type of weight loss training exercise program it is important that you warm up first. Warming up your muscles by doing stretching exercises prior to your main workouts will help you avoid injury. Warm muscles are much more flexible and less prone to strains.

Keep plenty of water on hand when you are exercising. It is critical that you keep your body hydrated while working out. Drinking plenty of water will help flush out any toxins that are released from your body by exercising. Staying hydrated will also keep your muscles from becoming unbearably sore the day after working out.

It is a good idea to switch exercises between cardio exercises and weight training exercises. Switching between the two will give your body the maximum workout. It will allow you to lose weight faster and build lean muscle.

If you become tired while exercising, take a break. It is easier to injure yourself when you are tired. If you are trying to lose weight and get into shape, the last thing you need is an injury.

Some people find that they do better in groups of people. If this sounds like you, join a gym or an exercise club. There are many member only clubs that can help you lose weight and get into shape. When you are working out with other people, it can motivate you and make you accountable for how successful you will be.

Weight loss by exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight. You not only will feel better because of the exercise, you will start to build muscle mass and look a lot better.
When you are trying to lose weight, don’t depend on diet alone to do it for you. It is critical that you make a total lifestyle change and incorporate exercise into your daily routine.




BodyBuilding.com: What is the Best Fat Loss Workout
Active: Fitness
MAyoClinic: Exercise for Weight Loss and Calorie Burn
Muscle and Strength: Workout Routines
FitDay: Lose Weight in 8



How Many Calories Do You Burn Daily

How to figure out how many calories you burn each day

Now that we realize that calories are an important component in any weight loss or even in maintaining  a healthy weight it’s important to know how to calculate what you need in terms of caloric content each day in your diet. There are several ways to do this, one is figuring your BMR and activity level and using a formula. Another is just using charts and guidelines put out by the government or given to you by your doctor.

How many calories you need is a function of your body type, age, height, weight (or desired weight) activity level and gender. The BMR is a good indicator but it doesn’t take into consideration those who are super athletic and have a high muscle mass. But, if you don’t fit into that category likely you can do the BMR and activity level formula and come up with your caloric needs so that you can either lose weight to become your desired weight, or maintain your current weight.

The important thing is to be honest about your activity level, and realize that the numbers can be shocking. Most people eat far too many calories and if you’ve not gained a lot of weight yet, but you’re regularly ingesting too many calories, you will soon. We can be tempted to blame outside factors and health issues on weight gain but it’s really quite rare for most people. Unless you’re entering perimenopause, it’s likely you can lose weight just fine by sticking to a high nutrition, low calorie plan based on the BMR formulas. Of course, it’s important to get your overall health status confirmed by a doctor before embarking on any weight lose regime.

First write down your age, the weight you want to be,(lbs) and your height in inches. Now determine your activity level. If you don’t do any type of intentional exercise then you are considered to be sedentary or not active. If you walk at least 1.5 miles per day at a brisk pace, in addition to your job, this is considered to be moderately active. Be honest about your activity level and realize that if you’re not you’ll only have yourself to blame if you don’t reach your weight loss goals.

Now look at the BMR charts and equations on this page. Using the formula let’s figure the calorie requirements for a 5.5 inch woman who is 140 lbs and wishes to maintain that current weight. She is moderately active. From the charts we have the following formula.


BMR for women — BMR = (65.5 + (4.35 x weight in lbs) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)) x 1.55 (activity quotient)

This woman, when figuring out the formula in its entirely, should eat no more than 1272 calories per day if she wishes to maintain her current weight. She can up her exercise levels, in order to increase her calorie intake, but for the most part, this is what she can eat each day to maintain her current weight.

To make it easier to stick to it is important to eat high water content and high fiber foods to stay full, get all the nutrients needed, and to not feel deprived.



Kettlebell Workouts- How To Buy The Right Size Kettlebell

If you are starting a new workout routine that includes kettlebells, or just modifying an old one, you need to be sure you are getting the right size of kettlebell for your workouts.

Kettlebells look small but they sure do pack a punch. Most Kettlebells are made of metal and some are now coated with plastic. Understanding what size Kettlebell to purchase is your first step towards strengthening and toning your body.

If your goal is to lose weight or to just become more active then beginning a Kettlebell training program is a fantastic start!

If you look back over the history of the Kettlebell you will see that Russian soldiers used them to condition and strengthen their bodies. They typically used heavy weights right from the beginning.

If you are not accustomed to being active and doing workouts with weight equipment then starting out with lighter weights is recommended.

If you have never done any form of resistance training then buy Kettlebells that are less than 10lbs.

Using a lighter weight will allow you to perfect your techniques for each move and this is very important. If you do not use the correct form then you won’t receive as many benefits from your workout and increase your risk of injury to ligaments and tendons.

If you regularly workout then you can begin your Kettlebell training program with a heavier weight.

Starting Kettlebell weight for anyone that works out regularly:

Women:  18 pounds

Men:        35 pounds

When you find that you are not tired after your workout then it is time to increase the weight of your Kettlebell. A good goal is for woman to end up using 35lb Kettlebells and men 44lb. Kettlebells are available in many different weights with some going up to the 80 pound + range.

A Kettlebell workout really delivers a huge punch for your effort. This is a great workout to do if you are rushed for time. For the average person a 20 minute workout can burn as many as 250 calories or more.

Working out using Kettlebells really encourages your body to produce more lean muscle mass. This is turn helps you to burn more calories faster which is why it is a great method for anyone wanting to lose weight.

Your entire core muscles will become stronger and this helps strengthen your back muscles. If you currently suffer with back pain you should notice a huge difference in a relatively short amount of time; however, use caution to not exacerbate your back problem when first starting out.

When first starting out with your new Kettlebells concentrate on learning the basic movements and exercises first. This also helps you avoid injuring yourself by over using your muscles too quickly. Once you are comfortable with the basic Kettlebell swings and moves you can progress up to the more advanced exercises.

When buying your Kettlebells you may wish to look for a set of Kettlebells of varying weights. This can often save you money and some sets of Kettlebells do come with instructions and examples of exercises that you can start with.

When starting a kettlebell workout routine for losing weight , gaining muscle or just achieving better fitness be sure to make proper nutrition a part of your optimal health plan.