
A Natural Approach to Allergies and Hay Fever

Allergies can produce great discomfort. In the US alone, approximately 28 million people suffer from hay fever, which doesn’t include all the people who are allergic to pet dander, dust, foods, and bee stings.

Allergies are the consequence of an immune response gone crazy. Things like dust, pollen, dust mites, and so forth are not harmful like pathogens. However, in the allergic person, these substances produce an intense immune system response. From debilitating to a simple annoyance, allergy symptoms aren’t any fun.

Thankfully, there’s a position for natural treatments in allergy management. The following are some natural approaches that might help lessen allergy symptoms. (Note: the natural treatments discussed below are not intended to be used to treat or prevent anaphylaxis, a deadly form of allergic reaction that’s a medical emergency.)

1. Ginkgo
Ginkgo for Memory: Interestingly, Ginkgo consists of a number of elements that inhibit a chemical made by the body during an allergic response: platelet-activating factor, or PAF. When your body produces PAF in response to an allergen, the PAF initiates a chain of events that cause allergic symptoms and inflammation. Suppressing the PAF means that the allergic response doesn’t get to finish its cycle. It’s like breaking the link in a chain.

Ginkgo is normally sold in standardized extract form. Herbalists suggest 60 to 240 milligrams every day, however no greater than that. Ginkgo is low in unwanted side effects but full of effectiveness.

2. Garlic
Garlic includes a compound called quercetin, which can actually be used as a supplement (more on that below). Various other foods have quercetin, too, but garlic has high levels of this compound. Quercetin is reported to slow down inflammatory reactions, such as those found in allergic responses. Onions, as well, have a significant amount of quercetin.

3. Enzymatic Therapy
Enzymes – or just a lack of them – are implicated in the progression of allergies. At their very fundamental level, allergens are proteins, and particular enzymes can break down proteins before they can incite an allergic reaction. Enzymes can be taken in supplement form; however, they may have digestive system side effects. However, numerous allergy sufferers realize that the side effects are greatly reduced when the enzymes are consumed with food.

4. Quercetin
Quercetin supplements are frequently suggested as a treatment for allergies. As noted above, certain foods contain quercetin, too. This is another factor for a nutritious diet, since the foods that have the most quercetin are those foods that are some of the healthiest: garlic, onions, apples, red wine (moderately!), and citrus fruits – for starters.

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7 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

7 Health Benefits Of Turmeric

This article reveals the 7 health benefits of Turmeric.

Turmeric is a commonly used spice that originates from the Curcuma plant. We most likely know it for its spiciness and use in dishes such as curry.

However, Turmeric has been extensively used within Chinese and Indian cultures for the potential benefits as an anti-inflammatory.


Health Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric is best consumed in its pure sense, rather than as a component of curry powder or other spices.

The Western world has been slow to notice the health benefits of turmeric.

The following are some of the potential health benefits of Turmeric:


Turmeric has long been used for its anti-inflammatory properties in Eastern cultures; this helps the body to fight infection and repair itself. It is the oil that the turmeric provides that has the scientifically proven anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Curcumin, the oil derived from turmeric, has been studied in numerous experiments, and has been shown to be equally as effective as typical anti-inflammatory drugs.

The key difference is there are no reported side effects associated with curcumin oil.

A great concern with current anti-inflammatory medication. such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, is the potential harmful side effects including irritation of the stomach, formation of ulcers, thinning of the blood, and adverse effect on kidney function.

This is good news for those who suffer from joint conditions, such as arthritis, where inflammation plays a key role in exacerbating chronic pain.

Treatment for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease are common disorders that affect many people throughout the world and can be quite debilitating.

Studies have investigated the effect of turmeric in mice who have such diseases.

Although the researchers are not entirely sure howimproved cell functions and reduced the symptoms associated with crohn’s disease. Certain findings such as mucosal ulceration were reported to have almost completely resolved.

Indigestion and Heartburn Relief

These are problems frequently experienced by many of us and can be incredibly frustrating and uncomfortable.

Turmeric has also been shown to help with the common conditions of indigestion and heartburn. In the past the primary treatment for these conditions were anti-acid type medications that either buffered acid, decreased production of acid or blocked production of acid in the stomach.

Turmeric has been shown to stimulate the gallbladder and increases bile production.  There are reports of turmeric being used in Germany for patients with problems involving the gallbladder and bile production.


Heart disease

Some studies have shown that tumeric may have a protective effect on the heart.

Initial research shows that turmeric can help to reduce the build-up of plaque in the arteries of the heart, a key contributor to heart attacks.

Turmeric may help to prevent damage to blood vessels that occurs from oxidized cholesterol. Damaged blood vessels are a critical factor in many diseases involving blood vessels such as heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis.

Delays diabetes

Research has shown that turmeric can actually delay the onset of diabetes.

In a study, participants were tracked over a period of time and given either a placebo or curcumin tablets.

At the end of the study, not one participant who had taken the curcumin had developed diabetes. It is argued this finding is possibly due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Cancer prevention

Turmeric has been shown to have important antioxidant properties, which may help to protect cells against cancer, particularly cells located in the colon. Turmeric can help to protect vulnerable cells against free radicals, which can be harmful to the body.

Turmeric may help the body get rid of mutated cells that have become cancerous; however, research is still being done to determine the actual anticancer benefits of tumeric.

Lowers cholesterol

High cholesterol is a common disorder and has been linked to heart disease, strokes, kidney disease and diseases involving the blood vessels of the eyes.
Initial research shows that the oil in turmeric, curcumin oil, can help to lower cholesterol levels. It works on the liver and encourages it to produce more receptors that help in the reduction of cholesterol.

Uses In Cooking

• Turmeric in dried spice form can add loads of flavor to curries, stews, stir-fries and roasted meat and chicken.
• Fresh turmeric is a root that looks much like fresh ginger. It can be juiced along with other fruits and vegetables. It can be added to smoothies.
• It makes a great addition to a chicken marinade adding a bright orange color to the mix; it is a key ingredient in

Middle Eastern chicken kabobs.

• Use it to substitute saffron or mustard as it provides an equal yellow hue
• Jazz up white rice, by squeezing fresh turmeric through a garlic press and adding it to the rice, offers lots of flavor, and a golden color.
• Use fresh chopped or grated turmeric in coleslaw to add color, flavor, and key nutrients.


Some supplements and foods may have an adverse effect on the medications you are taking and any health issues you may have.

Turmeric may slow blood clotting, which could be dangerous for anyone taking anticoagulant medication (blood thinners) increasing your risk of bruising and bleeding.

Talk to your doctor about the health benefits of Turmeric or any new nutritional supplement before taking it to make sure it is safe and appropriate for you.


Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy Weight Loss Tips.

In the past 30 years the number of people who suffer from being overweight and obesity has grown significantly. The weight loss industry is growing to meet the demand, but the number of people who are overweight only continues to grow.

What’s the problem?

Here’s the bottom line. The real way that people can lose weight and keep it off is not related to a fad diet, eating only cabbage or plugging into some electrical stimulation program that promises to work off the fat and make you a lean, mean calorie burning machine.

Instead, the real way that real people lose weight is to do the work of living a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 of the most important tips you can follow to lose all the weight you want.

1. Sleep

Often overlooked, sleep is important to your overall health and weight loss efforts for a number of reasons. Many people will eat more if they are tired in an effort to stay awake. The behavior is subconscious and most are never aware that they were doing it! Sleep reduces your stress and your cortisol levels, a hormone which can encourage the body to put on more fat. When you are sleep deprived you are also more likely to give in to temptations.

2. Water

A simple 8 glasses of water per day (8 ounces each) will also help your body to flush toxins and burn calories and fat more efficiently. Just a 1 percent dehydration can reduce your performance at tasks that require analytical skills, like math, and you will percieve that you are hungry instead of thirsty. If you feel hungry, the first thing to do is drink 8 -10 ounces of water and wait a few minutes. You just may have been thirsty!

3. Exercise

Excercise is important to any weight loss program because it helps your body to burn calories. However, don’t be gung-ho at first or you’ll be so sore the next day that you’ll drop your exercise routine. If you’ve never done a fitness program work up to walking for 30 minutes everyday and move on from there.

4. Calories

Each calorie might be burned differently in your body, but don’t be fooled into thinking that they don’t count. I don’t care if the calories you eat are all carbs, all fat or all protein (depending upon which camp of nutritional experts you ascribe to) if you eat many more calories than you burn off everyday you’ll gain weight. Try to help track your nutritional intake, set goals and produce reports about your eating habits.

5. Fat vs carbs

There are some who still believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to better health and lower weight. However, all you are doing is increasing the amount of carbs you eat to make up for the calories lost. Carbs will increase your cravings, spike your blood sugar and increase the amount of triglycerides your body produces. Try increasing the amount of GOOD fats you eat, from nuts, seeds and fatty fish or avocados. You’ll feel more full for longer periods and lose your cravings for sugar and sweets.

6. Change Your Environment

Just like smokers must leave an environment that triggers their desire to light up or an alcoholic shouldn’t go into a bar, so you should change your environment and leave behind the places and friends who trigger your desire for high calorie foods or multiple snacking during the day.

7. Reduce Stress

Many people are stress eaters and will eat to reduce their level of stress or when they are celebrating. Learn some techniques to reduce your stress. You’ll also reduce the amount of cortisol your body produces. This hormone secreted by the Adrenal glands on top of the kidneys will produce more body fat.

8. Get up during the day

Even if you spend an hour a day working out, you will continue to be at higher risk for weight gain and heart conditions when you spend your day sitting behind a desk. Put a timer on your computer and get up every 15 minutes to stretch, walk a bit and get the blood moving. It will keep your body burning calories too.

9. Be accountable

Find a friend or relative who is making the same positive lifestyle changes you are and team up. Life is easier when you have someone to call when you dont’ want to walk or that chocolate cake is calling you.

10 Be realistic and consistent

It can be hard to be realistic when everyone you see is model thin and each diet promises you instant results. Just remember that it took more than 2 weeks to put the weight on and it will take more than 2 weeks to take it off. Work consistently at changing your lifestyle choices and recognize that little changes can make big differences in the long run.



CNN Health: 11 Simple Weight Loss Tips

USA Today: Our 25 Best Weight Loss Tips from over the years
Womans Day: Our Best 75 Weight Loss Tips
Cosmopolitan: The 10 Best Weight Loss tips ever
Chris Pirillo: 50 Weight Loss Tips




3 Detox Steps For Cleansing The Body

Cleansing the Body: 3 Detoxification Steps

Cleansing the body is a very important matter to a lot of people. Not only does cleansing the body help anyone who does so in the long run, but it is also a good idea to complete a body detoxification in order for all of the toxins and wastes in your body to leave so that you’ll be left with a healthy system. Even though many people speak of detoxification as though it were really difficult to do, the opposite is true. If you break the body and system detoxification down into 3 simple steps one is able to realize just how easy and exciting this process can be.

The First Step: Preparation

Even though preparing for a body detoxification may not seem necessary, preparing for anything absolutely is. Consider: no one would usually skydive or bungee jump without mentally and/or physically preparing. The detoxification cleansing steps are absolutely the same and those who need a clean system need to prepare before they are able to complete a full, healthy body detox.

One of the ways in which you are able to completely prepare yourself is to perform yoga steps several days before the detoxification actually begins. This will not only help clear your mind, but it will benefit your body as well. Of course, there are plenty of other preparation steps that can be done, but yoga is the most beneficial.

The Second Step: Detoxification

This second step is the actual system of detoxification and cleansing your body. This step alone is usually supposed to contain oils like flax seed, olive oil, and primrose, as well as raw soups and fresh greens that are also juiced and pureed. These are all ingredients that one should be digesting during a body detoxification and one is supposed to consume everything on this list for a period of 24 hours. Some of the suggested meals that one is able to eat during this time include: blended and juiced vegetables, like celery, cucumbers, kale, parsley, wheat grass, barley, and spinach. All of these ingredients can be put into a blender in order to make a raw juice which you should drink at least three times during the detoxification.

Another thing that one should consume during their detoxification is vegetable soup that has plenty of garlic and green vegetables. This is the only type of soup which should be consumed because vegetable broth is the most beneficial to the system.

The Third Step: Finishing Up

Many people call the third step the “exit” of the detoxification cleanses, however, does one ever really leave detoxification? However, the rest of the detox system simply calls upon the person to ease themselves away from the raw and pureed juices, the raw soups, as well as the essential oils. This step is supposed to be completed in a series of three days in order to be the most beneficial to the cleanse, however, some people shorten it as well.

All of these steps are vital and important to clearing out your body’s systems by flushing everything toxic out of your body. A detoxification cleanse is something that is called upon regularly by a lot of people, and it is usually certain to help everything in the body!

Make This Your Green Tea Year

It is time you made this your green tea year.

Now that Christmas and the related festive indulgences are over, it’s time to kick start the New Year and start working towards your New Year’s resolutions. However, deciding that you want to lose weight or eat healthy this year is not enough. Instead what you need to do is start taking specific actions to help you achieve these goals.

In this article I’m going to be providing you with one of these specific actions and discussing how drinking more green tea this New Year can enhance your overall health and help you lose weight.

Why Green Tea?

Green tea is one of the most talked about health foods on the planet. However, unlike most health foods which get lots of media attention, green tea lives up to the hype. The reason green tea is so good for you is that it’s packed full of a group of health boosting nutrients called flavan-3-ols. These flavan-3-ols in green tea have numerous benefits in the human body which include:

–       Keeping your blood healthy

–       Keeping your heart healthy

–       Minimizing the severity of allergies

–       Protecting against cancer

–       Strengthening your immune system


Drinks To Substitute For Green Tea

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to stay fit and healthy is not paying attention to their liquid calories. They’ll count the calories they eat with scientific precision but then they’ll go and gulp down a sugar filled drink without thinking twice. Green tea contains zero calories, so if you’re currently guilty of not paying attention to your liquid calories, drinking more green tea can cut the amount you consume and help you lose weight. So, if you drink any of the following drinks on a regular basis, substitute them for a cup of green tea and watch the pounds melt away:

–       Beer

–       Liqueur

–       Milkshakes

–       Soda

–       Store bought coffees


Serving Suggestions For Green Tea

Although green tea is very good for you and can help you lose weight, many people find the grassy taste overpowering. So, if you’re not a huge fan of the natural taste of green tea, try one of the serving suggestions below:

1)    Green Tea With Honey & Lemon: While your green tea is steeping, add a slice of lemon and a teaspoon of honey to the cup to infuse it with a sweet, citrus flavor.

2)    Green Tea Smoothie: Place a chilled cup of green tea into a blender along with a selection of your favorite fruits and blend all the ingredients until they’re frothy for a sweet, fruity green tea smoothie.

3)    Iced Green Tea: Place some green tea leaves along with a selection of your favorite fruits and herbs into a bowl. Then add hot water to the bowl and let the ingredients steep for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, strain the mixture into a large jug and chill it in the fridge for at least 1 hour to create a refreshing iced green tea.


While green tea is something of an acquired taste, drinking it can help boost your health in countless ways. Plus, since it contains zero calories, the more green tea you drink, the less liquid calories you’ll consume and the more weight you’ll lose.

So get the kettle boiling, brew up a cup of this hot healthy drink and start taking your first steps towards achieving your health and fitness based New Year’s resolutions today.